http://www.democracynow.org/ 2/29/08
EXCLUSIVE–The Three Trillion Dollar War: Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Economist Linda Bilmes on the True Cost of the US Invasion and Occupation of Iraq
One week after President Bush rejected charges the war in Iraq has hurt the US economy, a new book puts a conservative estimate of the war’s cost at $3 trillion so far. In their first national broadcast interview upon their book’s publication, Nobel laureate and former chief World Bank economist, Joseph Stiglitz, and co-author Linda Bilmes of Harvard University say the Bush administration has repeatedly low-balled the cost of the war—and even kept a second set of records hidden from the American public. [includes rush transcript–partial]
EXCLUSIVE–The Three Trillion Dollar War: Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Economist Linda Bilmes on the True Cost of the US Invasion and Occupation of Iraq
One week after President Bush rejected charges the war in Iraq has hurt the US economy, a new book puts a conservative estimate of the war’s cost at $3 trillion so far. In their first national broadcast interview upon their book’s publication, Nobel laureate and former chief World Bank economist, Joseph Stiglitz, and co-author Linda Bilmes of Harvard University say the Bush administration has repeatedly low-balled the cost of the war—and even kept a second set of records hidden from the American public. [includes rush transcript–partial]

http://www.democracynow.org/ 2/28/08
Jeremy Scahill: Despite Antiwar Rhetoric, Clinton-Obama Plans Would Keep US Mercenaries, Troops in Iraq for Years to Come
Jeremy Scahill reports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in US war zones by January 2009. Despite their antiwar rhetoric, both Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of US troops in Iraq for many years. [includes rush transcript]
Jeremy Scahill: Despite Antiwar Rhetoric, Clinton-Obama Plans Would Keep US Mercenaries, Troops in Iraq for Years to Come
Jeremy Scahill reports Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in US war zones by January 2009. Despite their antiwar rhetoric, both Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of US troops in Iraq for many years. [includes rush transcript]

more money for war?????
Feed the World? We Are Fighting a Losing Battle, UN Admits http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/022608P.shtml
Julian Borger, The Guardian UK, reports: "The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices ... 'This is the new face of hunger,' [Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN's World Food Programme] said. 'There is food on shelves but people are priced out of the market. There is vulnerability in urban areas we have not seen before. There are food riots in countries where we have not seen them before.'"
Feed the World? We Are Fighting a Losing Battle, UN Admits http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/022608P.shtml
Julian Borger, The Guardian UK, reports: "The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices ... 'This is the new face of hunger,' [Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN's World Food Programme] said. 'There is food on shelves but people are priced out of the market. There is vulnerability in urban areas we have not seen before. There are food riots in countries where we have not seen them before.'"

San Diego Event to Stop the War - Sat March 15th 2-4 pmSATURDAY, MARCH 15TH, 2008, at Noon, protest on the 5th anniversary of this misguided, tragic and criminal war on and occupation of Iraq. Gather at Fairmont & University, bannering for one hour then
March to TERALTA PARK at 40th & Orange for a rally from 2-4pm,
with SPEAKERS, MUSIC and POETRY. Here is a flier with all the details and cool graphics.http://www.sdcpj.org/flyers/2008_02_11_3_15_08_2UP.pdfAlso see sdcpj.org for more information.Theme: "COSTS OF THE WAR" - The U.S. invasion/occupation of Iraq has led to about 4000 American deaths and roughly 30,000 American injuries. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died and millions have been made homeless.

These are conservative counts! YOUR taxpayer spending on Bush's Iraq "adventure" so far has been $493,000,000,000. Again, this is a conservative count. And this grows by about $185,000 EVERY MINUTE! Think you're getting a tax rebate this year because of recession?

Think again.
YOUR tax obligation of the Iraq invasion/occupation overwhelms any rebate . . . with principal and interest, you, your family, and your children will be paying thousands and thousands for years to come, JUST FOR IRAQ. Your dollars poured down this black hole have surely been a major contributor to the recession, and the drastic fall in the value of the U.S. dollar.

INSTEAD OF INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE, THIS WAR HAS "INVESTED" IN WASTE . . wasted lives, dollars, the reputation of the U.S. world-wide. It is truly difficult to overstate the horrible, horrible cost.
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