Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blackwater San Diego City Council Meeting

NO Blackwater in San Diego!!!!!
Attend City Council meeting - carpool or take trolley

From: [] On Behalf Of Carol Jahnkow
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:50 PM
To: SD Coalition for Peace & Justice
Subject: [SDCPJ] Stop Blackwater in Otay Mesa! Attend City Council Mtg. 5/13/07 10 a.m.

Join us on Tuesday,  May 13, 10 a.m., at the San Diego City Council meeting during the public testimony session at the beginning of the meeting to raise questions about  Blackwater's presence in our community and to ask the Council to put this issue on their agenda for fuller investigation and testimony.   WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!  PLEASE COME TO THE COUNCIL MEETING AND HELP US DEMONSTRATE THAT SAN DIEGANS DO NOT WANT BLACKWATER IN OUR COMMUNITY (OR ANYWHERE). 
12th floor, 202 "C" Street
 downtown San Diego.
We'll have signs for you or bring your own.

Blackwater West/USA'a plan to open an indoor training facility in Otay Mesa. 
Last week San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, at the request of Congressman Bob Filner, announced an investigation into Blackwater's permits

Filner wrote:  "The secrecy under which Blackwater contracted its facility in Otay Mesa causes great suspicion and distrust among community members in my District.  The lack of transparency in their plans forces me to question their intent to develop a 'vocational trade school.' Blackwater is a company that profits from war, and they will not hesitate to profit from insecurity in our sensitive border region.  Developing a paramilitary training facility, less than one mile from our international border, would send a dangerous message to Mexico and would hurt business and diplomatic relations. A positive relationship with Mexico has never been more critical to our National Security, and we must not take any action that would jeopardize that bond."

"As you know, Blackwater has been under investigation for the shooting of 17 innocent Iraqi civilians on September 16, 2007.  Since this event, Blackwater has been investigated by Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of State.  More specifically, Congress filed an investigation of tax, small business and labor law violations," added Filner.  "As a private company hired by the federal government, Blackwater lacks accountability to government agencies. Once in operation, there would be very little or no oversight governing Blackwater's operations in our border region."

Congressman Filner concluded, "Blackwater does not exhibit any of the signs of a good neighbor or a productive business partner. We cannot allow a company with their reputation to do business in our community – the cost is too high."    
 to read full text of Congressman Bob Filner's Letter to Jerry Sanders.

The investigation is scheduled to end on May 29, timing which would allow Blackwater to begin operations the first week in June, should the mayor find that everything is in order. 

If you're unable to attend, please contact your city council person and let them know how you feel about Blackwater;  Click here for e-mail addresses.

More info on Blackwater:

Thank you for your support!

Peace Resource Center of San Diego and Activist San Diego

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