ATTN: Assignment Editor
The Premier Screening of SUPPORT? SYSTEM DOWN, Saturday, May 17, 2008 at Ultra Star Cinema at the Flower Hill Mall in Del Mar, California
SAN DIEGO, CA, May 1, 2008 /CRISPE (Children's Rights Initiative for Sharing Parents Equally)/ -- and AGINELO Productions. Making "Support? System Down" the latest film from producer and filmmaker Angelo Lobo, was a long and intensely personal experience of making a documentary on a broken family court system that betrays families and destroys children for federal incentives greed. Worst of all, military and struggling working families are impacted most.
WHO: SUPPORT? SYSTEM DOWN cast members Angelo Lobo (writer/producer), Larry Kerkman President CRISPE, Harry Crouch President NCFM, Kevin Polis Esq., John Murtari, CA Senator Bill Marrow, Dr. Jane Major, Glenn Sacks, LT Gary USN, Judge Sean Finn, Dr. Stephen Walker, Dr. Robert Palumbo, Jeffrey Schuster, Stanley Prowse, Taron James, Elizabeth Schnee, Teri Stoddard, Vicki Greene Attorney for Alec Baldwin, Andrew Smith, Ed Vallejo, Chris Encina, Donald Wilson Senate Veteran's Affairs, Claire Bindoy, Kenneth Rohling, Chief Magistrate Peter Passidomo, Former NOW President Karen DeCrow, Stanley Thorne, Jim Loose, Jorge Blanco, Michael McCormick President ACFC, Solange Grey, Judge George A. Collins, Claudio Desousa, Judge Patricia Hartline, Marie Astor, Mary Huang, Maria Tortorelli, Vincent Dunn, Daniel Velasquez, and others.
WHERE: Ultra Star Cinema, Flower Hill Mall
2630 Via De La Valle (exit off I-5)
Del Mar, CA 92014
WHEN: Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:00 PM Press Call Time, 5:30 PM Introduce, Cast 6:00 PM Film Begins, 7:30 PM Cast & Crew Mingle, 8:30 PM End of Event
HOW: Tickets cost $10 and are available at the CRISPE office on 932 C Street San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 233-4773. Seats are limited get your tickets immediately.
The film premier is sponsored by ,, and John van Doorn.
The website contains film synopsis and trailers. Please check back for updates.
For interviews contact:
Marcy Ganz, Public Relations Specialist
(888) 827-4773
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