Saturday, August 23, 2008

[SDCPJ] Day #5 "Camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office in Solana Beach

Dear Peace Friends:
Today, Friday, August 22nd, was our 5th and final day "camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office.
Four vets staffed the "camp" today and were greeted positively by most folks on the street and those entering and leaving the parking area.
Based on previous discussions with Bilbray staffers, I have calls in to both the District Director and his DC Chief of Staff to book personal visits by our six person veteran group.  The Chief of Staff visit will be before Sept 7th and the personal Bilbray visit will be in early October (Congress adjourns on Sept 27th).  We look forward to both visits and are diligently preparing our "pitch" for both meetings.
THANK YOU to  everyone who has called the Bilbray office, stopped by, or otherwise supported our "campout".  Your response has been huge and I'm sure that the Bilbray staff is happy it is over.
We will keep you informed of the outcome of our meetings as they transpire.
I have included two pictures we took on Monday as we set up shop outside of Bilbray's office.
Gil Field
San Diego Veterans For Peace
----- Original Message -----
From: Gil Field
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: Fw: Day #4 "Camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office in Solana Beach

Dear Peace Friends:
Day #4 brought out some interesting visitors to "Camp Bilbray". 
"Betsy" came by and wished us well .... we appreciated seeing her. 
Our next visitor was "Jo-Jo", a disabled vet in one of those joy-stick driven wheel chairs, who drove down the sidewalk and asked for a hug from the vets.  We were thrilled to hug him.  He told us stories about being in the Army in Afghanistan and how he was hurt in a firefight there.  He is very upset by what he sees as poor care for his veteran friends, also wounded.  He was energized by our being out on the street but took off after 45 minutes when two fire trucks went by and appeared to be turning into his neighborhood.  God Bless Jo-Jo.
Our last visitor was a reporter from the North County Times who spoke with Max and me at some length about why we were out there again in the hot sun.  She was very kind and we look forward to her article soon.
Tomorrow (Friday) marks our last day camping at "Camp Bilbray" and I have agreed to call both Bilbray's Chief of Staff and District Director to book appointments for our group with the Chief of Staff immediately and Mr. Bilbray in early October.  They are now very interested that we call and book appointments .... and stay home :)
Thanks for your support to date .... if you would once again call 858-350-1150 and tell the receptionist that you support the VETS out on the street, we would appreciate it.
Gil Field
For Max, Jim, Jack, Colleen, Kenyon & Gil (and Bob) at "Camp Bilbray"
San Diego Veterans For Peace
----- Original Message -----
From: Gil Field
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 3:37 PM
Subject: Day #3 "Camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office in Solana Beach

Dear Peace Friends:
Day #3 (Wednesday) "camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office was uneventful, although we were visited by 5-6 great folks who also took the time to go in and speak with Bilbray's staffers.
As stated yesterday, Bilbray's chief of staff has now agreed to book a personal meeting between Brian Bilbray and the Veterans For Peace in early October after Bilbray returns from Wash, DC.  We have been holding off contacting them on the specific date/time as we felt it best to complete a week of camping before booking the date. 
YOUR CALLS TO BILBRAY'S OFFICE have been many and consistent and I have been told by callers that they sound "tired of hearing the same request" (i.e. - Meet with the Vets).  The "campers" thank you for your support and request that you keep calling (or visiting at 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 107, Solana Beach, CA  92075) until at least Friday, August 22nd at noon.
Gil Field
----- Original Message -----
From: Gil Field
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:50 PM
Subject: Day #2 "Camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's office in Solana Beach

Dear Peace Friends:
Day #2 of "camping" outside of Brian Bilbray's Solana Beach office was staffed by five (5) San Diego Veterans For Peace, plus one visiting member.
About 9:30 AM, Steve Danon, Congressman Bilbray's Washington DC Chief of Staff, came out to offer us coffee, water and access to bathrooms.
We briefly discussed why we were there, and how important it is that we get a personal visit with the Congressman (no 25 year old staffers, please, this year).
He assured us that Congressman Bilbray would meet with us personally in early October once Congress recessed again on September 27th and he returned to the district, but no firm date/time was established. 
We thanked him for his time, and said that we would be in touch.
After discussing the situation between our members, we agreed to continue our vigil outside his office until at least Friday, August 22nd, to maintain our leverage in obtaining a personal appointment with Congressman Bilbray, which is unfortunately very rare. 
PLEASE KEEP CALLING HIS OFFICE (858-350-1150) .... your calls yesterday and last night brought his DC Chief of Staff out to meet us today, and will add to our leverage in obtaining our personal meeting.
We suggest that you tell the staffer who answers the phone (Mitch, Laura, others) that you are upset about how poorly Congressman Bilbray treats 50th district veterans and veteran's needs.  Second, please tell the staffer that Congressman Bilbray should meet with the small constituent group from San Diego Veterans For Peace, "camping" outside his office, at his first opportunity.
We thank you for your calls so far
Gil Field
San Diego Veterans For Peace 
Attachment:  Updated version of our issue sheet (send to friends).

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