by John P. Falchi
Dear Friends-
Most of us have been aware of the steady accretion of power to the President and the Executive Branch that has taken place throughout the Bush Administration, following the lead of Dick Cheney and the concept of "the unitary executive." The abuse of "signing statements" alone, which indicate which parts of laws passed by Congress that the executive branch would enforce, is a significant, and flagrant, abuse of power. The deceptive way in which we entered the War in Iraq was, certainly, another. The types of Internal/External Threats that the administration created and then hyped that preceded the Iraq War, the Passage of the Patriot Act, and the Passage of the $700 Billion Wall St. Bailout, are all examples of abuses of power by The Bush Administration. A long list of impeachable offenses was read into the Congressional Record, a few months ago by Rep. Dennis Kucinich D-OH)..
One of the best efforts at connecting the dots of the various steps that have been taken toward authoritarian control of all aspects of life in this country is done by Naomi Wolf, first in her book, The End of America :A Letter of Warning to A Young Patriot, indicating the direction in which our country was heading toward "A Closed, Fascist-like Society," andn nown in her new book, Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries, which indicates how far we have already gone in this direction, she gives us steps to take to rise up and put a stop to this..
Ms. Wolf's new video, <>, turns up the volume in this "Call to Action" on the part of average Americans who are frightened by this turn of events and want to take steps to prevent us from becoming as full-fledged fascist state, where corporations and government combine to rule thecoulntry under a so-called benevolent dictator.
The possibility is certainly there that, like the two, previous Presidential elections, this, too, will be one that is stolen, where the person who the people, really, elect does not take office. As a last resort, of course, would be an actual "Coup d'etat" preventing Sen. Barack Obama from acceding to the office of President even if he wins handily, and the election results cannot be fixed Well, you say, this is America, land of the free and home of the brave, this could never happen here. Could it?
Let's look at this more closely. Noomi Wolf points out that the "Posse Comitatus Act , currently, has been bypassed and the President can now, legally, put American troops in the streets reporting only to him. This has, already, happened with the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Inf. Div, US Army, according to The Army Times., "Brigade Homeland Tour Starts, 10/01.08,"
The recent 700 Billion bailout of Wall Street puts tremendous fiscal powers in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury and The President in the 500 page bill that was just passed.. The recent arrests of many, including journalists like Amy Goodman, at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis, MN, is but a foretaste of what could happen on a larger scale, if activists, e.g., protest a stolen election. The threat of martial law and economic chaos was, already, used to pressure reluctant Congress Members to sign the recent Bailout package, according to Rep.Brad Sherman, Democrat from Sherman Oaks, CA.,
Without getting so upset that we become immobilized, we should take Naomi Wolf's warnings seriously enough to find out what we can do to make sure that this never fully takes place here. I believe we are up to it. What do you think?
Yours for a more positive future, John
John P. Falchi
San Diego, CA 92107
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