Friday, December 19, 2008

****Important****21 December Coalition Summit

Please come and pass it on!


San Diego County Community Coalition Summit





Focus on Green!

Your 11th Hour or Your Greatest Opportunity ?

Be Surprised About What Sustainability Really Means for You.


When we hear the terms green, eco-friendly and sustainability they remind us that what seems environmentally sound may have unfriendly side-effects. It is often hard to know what is really green or just "green-washing" and the macro issues like global warming and species extinction often scare us more than inspire us to action.

Come hear Jim Bell and Michael McClure (Eco Elf), talk about sustainability where we live and beyond. Their workshop will focus on what you can do in your own home, neighborhood, city, state and country to save and earn money on the way to a sustainable future.


We will also play Eco Elf's GreenSweep Game with a TWIST you'll find out about when you PLAY THE GAME. Score yourself on your greenness and find out what we all can do to become greener on every level.


The Presenters:

Jim Bell is a visionary teacher, political activist and the author of two books, numerous commentaries and now a video on how to create a life-support sustaining future, all free at, click on the appropriate button. Book titles: Achieving Eco-Nomic Security on Spaceship Earth and Creating a Sustainable Economy and Future On Our Planet.


Michael McClure (Eco Elf) is an environmental teacher and trainer for Eco Energy Systems. He advises and administers State Public Purpose Funding for commercial energy conservation programs in California .


Where: Joyce Beers Community Center , 3900 Vermont Street

San Diego, CA


1 and 1/2 blocks north of University across from Ralphs and Trader to Aladdin Cafe


When: Sunday December 21, 6:00pm to 9pm


Admission: FREE


Snacks and beverages provided

Join Us this Sunday!!


Special Announcements:

Meeting Location Change:
We will be meeting at
18Teen Art and Cultural Center
3925 Ohio Street
San Diego, CA 92105
Beginning 18 January 2009.
Meeting time will be 2PM to 6PM followed by salsa classes!


   December 21, 2008

Become an activist  crewmember on our television shows! Come and join us in front of and behind the camera! We have crewmembers as young as 9 and as old as 74!
Learn to be a Producer, Director, Camera Operator, Sound Engineer, Graphics Generator, Floor Director...for free...while working to make our community a better place to live!
Call today for location and reservations!
We are starting production on our third show:
Laura Thompson's San Diego Women's Art Caucus for Art "Artist Connection" focused on activist artists!

  Debut production on 29 January 2009 @6 PM


>Alyce Smith-Cooper's Community Issues: A Tapestry of Concerns Production


9 January 2009 @ 6 PM 


> San Diego County Community Coalition Show: Progress in San Diego

16 January 2009 @ 6 PM
Meet the actors who perform in the Capital One credit card commercials (The Vikings) and the History Channel's Wildwest Tech!
Actors Peter Sherayko and Larry Freeland will be on hand to display and discuss wild west tech, mountain men, reinactments and much, much more!
See: Caravan West Productions and
Also on hand: Doctors from Dr. Douglas Reich's offices will discuss the benefits of chiropractic will be surprised how toxins can accumulate in your muscle tissue and how these fine doctors help you release and cleanse disease causing toxins.  

  Questions? Contact:
Walter Davis

  Phone: 760-917-1251


The San Diego County Community Coalition
and RSVP

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