Sunday, January 25, 2009

[SDCPJ] Reminder: Gaza Teach-In Monday 1/26, 7pm

ADC San Diego urges you to attend the following important special
teach-in that will discuss Israeli violations of international law,
human rights, and US arms export law. It will expose war crimes
committed in Gaza and explain the background to the war. It will also
discuss long-term action to build a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
movement against Israel in the US.

I S R A E L ' S I L L E G A L W A R O N G A Z A
what is to be done?

Monday Jan. 26 , 7pm
Four Points Sheraton

Audrey Bomse, United Against Torture Coalition
Marjorie Cohn, National Lawyers Guild
Nasser Barghouti, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Special reading of "Intifada" by poet Steve Kowit

Synopsis: Audrey Bomse is a human rights lawyer who has been working
in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories for much of the past
7 years, most recently as coordinator of the United Against Torture
Coalition, comprised of 15 Palestinian and Israeli NGOs working to
prevent and combat torture. Last month she led the coalition delegation
to Geneva to present its Alternative Report on Israel to the UN
Committee Against Torture. She has been an active
member of the National Lawyers Guild for 25 years, past co-chair of its
Prisoners' Rights Committee and current co-chair of the NLG Free Gaza
Subcommittee. She was a passenger on the second voyage of the Free Gaza
Movement in October and has been working on legal issues involving the
Israeli naval assaults on Gaza fishermen, their boats and international
She was arrested on Dec. 4th, upon her return to Ben Gurion airport from
Egypt, held in detention for 4 days, and placed in solitary confinement
as punishment for insisting upon her right to speak with her lawyer and
have access to a representative from the US Consulate - These were
violations of her rights, which she is asking the US Consulate to pursue
with the state of Israel.

Marjorie Cohn is president of the National Lawyers Guild and a professor
at Thomas JeffersonSchool of Law, where she teaches criminal law and
procedure, evidence and international humanrights law. She is author of
Rules of Disengagement and Cowboy Republic.

Nasser Barghouti is president of the San Diego chapter of the
American-Arab Anti-DiscriminationCommittee. He is a member of the ACLU
and Amnesty International. He has been active on the issue of Palestine
for more than 25 years.

Four Points Sheraton San Diego
8110 Aero Dr, San Diego 92123
$5 -10 Donation Requested

Sponsors: National Lawyers Guild , American Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee, Peace & Democracy Action Group of the First Unitarian
Universalist Church, Activist San Diego, San Diego Coalition for Justice
in Palestine, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice

for info call: Tanja: 858-459-4650 or Ibrahim: 619-840-1945

Direction: 805 Exit Balboa East, Right on Kearny Villa Rd, left on Aero Dr,
left into hotel. Alternate route: 15 to Aero Dr west, continue to Hotel.

- Free Parking --

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