Tuesday, February 3, 2009

[SDCPJ] Deportation Nation continues this week!

After a successful opening reception at the Centro Cultural de la Raza this past Saturday night, Deportation Nation continues with film, spoken word and music.

Hope to see you there!

Cal A. Vera
"Cal A. Vera" <calacapress@cox.net>

USD Ethnic Studies, Calaca Press and the Red CalacArts Collective present:
Deportation Nation: History Repeats
A cultural series highlighting the issue of deportation in America
Deportation Nation: Cinematic Migrations
Thursday, February 5, 2009 6pm FREE
USD Mother Rosalie Hill Hall - Warren Auditorium @ Soles
5998 Alcala Park, SD, CA 92110
Movie and lecture by filmmaker Isaac Artenstein and his work: Break of Dawn. Break of Dawn depicts the story of Los Angeles musician, radio personality and activist Pedro J. Gonzalez and his deportation for speaking out against the mass deportations of Mexicans in the 1930's. Introduction by SD Mesa College Chicano Studies chair Mike Ornelas.
Deportation Nation: Spoken Migrations
Friday, February 6, 2009 7pm FREE
SD Central Library Auditorium 820 E St., SD, CA 92101
Poetry and Spoken Word related to the experience of deportation and migration. Featuring: Francisco J. Bustos (San Diego), Olga Garcia Echeverria (Los Angeles), Ken10 (San Diego), Viet Mai (San Diego) and Amalia Ortiz (Los Angeles). Plus a presentation by Andrea Guerrero of the ACLU. MC'd by Cal A. Vera of the Red CalacArts Collective. A small collection of poetry and prose called Deportation Nation will be given away free to the first 150 Deportation Nation: Spoken Migrations attendees.
Free parking at 5 Star Parking lots 12 and 64!

Deportation Nation: Spoken Migrations is supported in part by the Ford Foundation and JP Morgan Chase through a grant from the NALAC Fund for the Arts.

This event is also supported by Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from The James Irvine Foundation.
Deportation Nation: Musical Migrations
Saturday, February 7, 2009 - 8-10pm FREE
USD University Center 5998 Alcala Park, SD, CA 92110
Musical program featuring Los Alacranes, Quino and Son Sin Fronteras with a jam session by all musicians playing the Woody Guthrie classic Plane Wreck at Los Gatos (Deportee). MC'd by USD Ethnic Studies professor Jesse Mills.
Organized by USD Ethnic Studies, Calaca Press and the Red CalacArts Collective.
Sponsored by the Centro Cultural de la Raza, SD Central Library, USD AChA and USD MEChA.
Support provided by the USD Trans-Border Institute and 5 Star Parking.
Deportation Nation graphic by Chikle.
For more information contact Brent E. Beltran.
(619) 920-1713
Or visit the following sites:

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