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Sunday, August 2, 2009
Left Hook - Socialized Medicine - August 2009
Left Hook
By Walter Davis
Socialized Medicine Drum Beaters: Ignorant, Hypocritical, Greedy
According to, FOX News, and Conservative Patients Rights (CPR), the medical plans that congress, the military, police and fire departments enjoy are not good enough for the American people.
Scare tactics are employed using “Socialized Medicine” slogans…..backed and funded by the powerful insurance industry to steer American citizens away from universal healthcare.
“Illegal aliens are going to get free medical care…” - Newsflash – Illegal immigrants are already getting free medical care. I challenge you to go to any emergency room and look at the people there. By not getting preventative care, the poor are forced to go to the emergency room when their situation becomes acute enough. The hospitals get the bill and pass that on to us the tax payers and our insurance policies cost more money as unpaid health care costs skyrocket. Government programs like healthy families and low income programs help some of these families and….our children are more likely to be exposed to communicable diseases in overcrowded classrooms when poor families cannot get preventative medical treatment.
“A government bureaucrat will stand between you and treatment….” – Is an insurance company bureaucrat better? Insurance companies are in the business to make money. Payouts are regarded as LOSSES. Doctors are paid BONUSES if they turn down MORE people who need referrals to specialists. An insurance company executive can OVERRIDE YOUR DOCTOR’S TREATMENT REGIMIN. Who is CPR fooling? Perhaps the same people who thought voting for George Bush was a good idea.
“You will lose your current plan and costs will go up…..” – With 35% of every insurance premium dollar being spent on advertising, salaries, bonuses and other administrative costs, American consumers would realize an immediate savings of $773 BILLION (1) with a universal healthcare plan. Universal health care will reduce our costs, uplift our nation and improve our overall health (2).
Republicans along with insurance companies opposed Medicare. Imagine this country without Medicare and the suffering we would have among our elderly (3), (4).
Government run heath care works efficiently for the active U.S. military and congress. It is well funded. It does not work for the Veterans Administration because this nation does not value its vets and does not properly fund the VA hospital system. Take a look at all the vets begging on freeway exits in their military fatigues who have PTSD and other service connected disabilities.
Imagine how chaotic it would be if police and fire departments had to be paid directly by victims before they rendered services as doctors are currently compensated. Medical services must be available to all, just as fire and police protection are.
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”……Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sources cited 2 August 2009
Left Hook
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