Received from Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army: "Jeremy Scahill will be on The Rachel Maddow Show tonight (MSNBC) discussing that which I cannot speak of now. Let's just say it involves a certain company we all know and...well, just a company."
You can read Jeremy's latest article in the Nation,
Blackwater Attempted to Bribe Iraqi Officials
By Jeremy Scahill
November 10, 2009
In the aftermath of the 2007 Nisour Square massacre in Baghdad by operatives working for Blackwater, top company officials including then-president Gary Jackson "authorized secret payments of about $1 million to Iraqi officials that were intended to silence their criticism and buy their support," according to the New York Times. Seventeen Iraqis were killed and more than 20 others wounded in the shooting, prompting the Iraqi government to announce it would ban the company from Iraq with officials vowing to prosecute the shooters. Blackwater, however, remains in Iraq to this day.To read rest of article click here:
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