Thursday, February 4, 2010

[SDCPJ] What's in the President's Budget for nuclear weapons?

nuclear weapons free world

Dear Carol,

The Fiscal Year 2011 budget has a 10% increase for nuclear weapons programs, bringing total funding to about $7 billion. I wanted to share with you a roundup of some excellent analysis of the budget by groups in the disarmament community. At the end of the email are two announcements about activities around the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference and the Kansas City Plant.

Analysis of the Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

"Proposed DoE funding also includes large increases for a facility that will expand plutonium production in Los Alamos, New Mexico and for a new highly enriched uranium production facility near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, each estimated to cost about $3 billion. The Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project (CMRR) plutonium facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory increased from $97 million in FY 2010 to $225 million in FY 2011. Y-12's Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) also increased to $115 million from $94 million in FY 2010."

Click here to download a PDF of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation's budget briefing book.

Alliance for Nuclear Accountability

Click here for ANA's press release.

Nuclear Watch New Mexico

Click here for their blog post on the budget.

Project on Government Oversight

Click here for their blog post on the budget.

Tri-Valley CAREs

Click here for their press release.

Upcoming activities on nuclear weapons

  • For Peace and Human Needs: Nuclear Disarmament Now! is a new website with resources on activities and demonstrations being planned for the May NPT Review Conference. Hundreds of organizations from the U.S. and around the globe are taking new steps to renew the commitment to a nuclear free world. The website includes an online petition on nuclear disarmament.
  • Groundbreaking is expected in April for a major new production facility, the Kansas City Plant, that will be responsible for 85% of all components for possible new designs and/or half-century life extensions of existing U.S. nuclear weapons. Protests and demonstrations in Kansas City are currently being planned, just before the NPT Review Conference that begins May 3. Email Jay Coghlan with Nuclear Watch New Mexico for more information at


Cara Bautista
Coordinator, Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free World

# # #

The Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free World advocates practical, multilateral steps to eliminate the nuclear threat. We work to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, end the pursuit of new warheads, and ensure that existing stockpiles are verifiably dismantled. Click here to see the current list of more than 100 Coalition Partners. The Campaign is possible through generous support of the Colombe Foundation and people like you.

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