Wednesday, April 28, 2010

May 2010 Left Hook: Deadlocked Government

Left Hook

By Walter Davis


28 April 2010


Deadlocked Government: As the Country Suffers, Leadership Fails


With the economy in the tank and American families suffering, a deadlocked government continues to look after the interests of the corporations. These are tough times for the American family. So many teens seem not to have hope; young adults do not seem to be able to realize their true potential. Our world class education system has been gutted while the war machine never seems to run out of money.


The wealthy get wealthier and the poor get poorer. Our court system continues to punish with illogical laws that increase our poverty level and destroy American families in family court, drug court, criminal court. People are dying because they have no insurance and cannot pay $28,000 per month for chemo or $400,000 for a transplant. Profit is the motivation, not concern for our fellow man and woman. If a profit cannot be made, it is not done.


Florida Governor Charlie Crist has been targeted by his party for appearing to cooperate with the executive branch of government.


Republican Senator Lindsay Graham has withdrawn his support for important climate change legislation due to intimidation for daring to cooperate; on its face, the immigration bill is being blamed for this as a smoke screen. Unenforceable immigration legislation remains on the books while families languish and suffer with the threat of deportation because they cannot satisfy unreasonable immigration policy in a system that is deadlocked and unable to help them even if they could.


The local Democratic Party laden with corruption, cronyism is powerless to stop a war mongering, out of touch local Republican spin machine. The Tea Party, however, threatens to do what the inept Democratic leadership cannot do: split and defeat the conservatives.


The apathetic and far left need representation. Democrats have moved to the center and Republicans have moved further to the right.


While Americans suffer from medical costs,  a watered down health care bill gets resisted by Republicans. While financial institutions continue to rip off the American public, Republicans continue to delay and water down financial reform. While service members die needlessly, our leadership continues to prosecute senseless wars as our coffers are drained and schools are closed.


The time for nationalistic fervor and religious fanaticism has passed. The American people need leadership that is focused on THEIR problems as opposed to the money of corporations. Corporations must be stripped of their political power. This country must finally become of the people, for the people and by the people. If you think it ever has been, you are sadly mistaken. A resource based economy is the only way to go. It is time to move to a higher level of consciousness.


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