Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reminder: Please join us! - Karl Rove in La Jolla signing his book of lies on Wed March 31

From: Tanja's List <>
Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:11 PM
Subject: Reminder: Please join us! - Karl Rove in La Jolla signing his book of lies on Wed March 31

Truth and Consequences with Karl Rove   March 31
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 10:03:55 -0700
From: Code Pink San Diego

Dear friends for peace and justice,

Tell Karl Rove Truth Has Consequences

Karl Rove is on tour, hawking his new book,  Courage & Consequences
Don't Let Karl Rove Rewrite History!

Wednesday, March 31 - 5:00 PM
Warwick's of La Jolla
7812 Girard Ave,
La Jolla CA 92037

See UPDATE below!!  Rove's book signing event begins at 6PM, so let's be there to greet his fans with appropriate signage* by 5 PM to enlighten all the uninformed people who will be coming to buy his book. Please DO NOT BUY A BOOK even though that is required to go inside. We will make our statement outside on the side walk without contributing one dime to his book sales.
Don't forget to Wear PINK  or make pink banner 

*Ideas for signs and banners denouncing torture and calling for accountability:
  • Bullies have no Courage
  • Truth will have Consequences
  • Consequence of Rove's Crimes Should be Prison
  • Courage? How Brave do you have to be to torture?
  • Consequence? - Try Accountability for War Crimes
  • Mess with our Elections and You Call that Courage?
  • Rove is a Weapon of Mass Destruction to Democracy
  • Rove - the Master Liar
  • Courage? Right! Don't Buy It!
  • Don't Contribute to the Demon of Democracy
  • Boycott the lying, scheming democracy killer!
  • Torture is Illegal
  • War Criminal
You get the idea :-)

UPDATE!!! We have several blank vinyl banners that we can paint with the above messages. Come paint with us at Shelly Plumb's house (5952 Scripps St. La Jolla 92122 -off Governor Dr.) on Monday, March 29, 5:30 PM. No artistic skill required - just fill in the outlines. Jeeni will bring her famous homemade organic scones! Can someone bring some wine and we'll make a party out of it! Call Shelly at 858-453-5967 or just show up!

Directions to Warwick's for Wednesday, 5:00 PM  
 Warwicks  7812  Girard Ave, La Jolla 92037
From Downtown San Diego:
  • I-5 North to Exit 26A: La Jolla Parkway
  • La Jolla Parkway becomes Torrey Pines South (at the intersection at the bottom of the hill) - follow Torrey Pines 1.5 miles to Girard Avenue
  • Turn right on Girard Avenue - Warwick's is 2 blocks down on the lefthand side - just past the intersection of Girard and Silverado, between Armani Exchange and Burns Drugs.

From North of San Diego:

  • I-5 South to La Jolla Village Drive exit
  • Head west on La Jolla Village Drive (0.7 miles)
  • Turn left on Torrey Pines Road - follow for 3.2 miles
  • Turn right on Girard Avenue - Warwick's is 2 blocks down on the lefthand side - just past the intersection of Girard and Silverado, between Armani Exchange and Burns Drugs.


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