Friday, April 16, 2010

[SDCPJ] ACTIVIST Opportunities for community outreach. Join us at 1 of 5 EVENTS.

Activist San Diego

needs your help and participation!

ASD has several outreach opportunities where we set table at major events.

Can you volunteer at:


  • Earth Day, Sunday, April 18th 10-5 PM @ World Beat Center
  • ASD GEN. Meeting on SD Labor Struggles, Mon. April 19, 7 PM @ Joyce Beers.
  • Food Justice Conference April 24-25th, @ SDSU
  • Sleepless in San Diego April 24th,  3pm-10 pm @ Point Loma Liberty Station
  • The New Threat of Nuclear Power forum, April 24th @ 11:30 am



Join Activist San Diego at the World Beat Center for the 20th Anniversary, EarthFair 2010 · Do Your Part! Sunday, April 18.  60,000 peopole come to the park and thousands of youth of color and young progressives come by our table giving us a chance to speak to them about getting involved in the critical issues of the day.  To volunteer call Martin at 619-871-9354 or email  for general details see



Monday, April 19, 7PM: ASD Monthly General Meeting, "Labor Issues in San Diego" @ The Joyce Beers Center

The progressive movements and the labor movements in San Diego, by working together, sharing information and forming coalitions have made positive impacts within our city. Activist San Diego invites you to come participate in a community discussion where we will cover numerous active labor campaigns, disputes, boycotts, and calls to action.

Come find out what struggles are happening, what gains/losses labor has suffered, and what you can do to help these causes! Come learn what tactics and strategies have been successful so that we may learn from each others efforts.

More Info...


Saturday, April 24TH-25TH: The Cultivating Food Justice Conference

The Cultivating Food Justice Conference is an entirely free event produced by a coalition of non-profit, grassroots organizations dedicated to seeing a more equitable food system realized in the San Diego community. both days San Diego State University campus.

More Info...


Saturday, April 24, 3PM: The Fourth Annual Sleepless in San Diego

Where: Point Loma Liberty Station, 2772 Historic Decatur Rd. San Diego. Spend the night under the stars to raise awareness about Homelessness in our community.

More Info...

Saturday, April 24, 11:30AM: The New Threat of Nuclear Power

The Green Party invites you to a special free forum. The "new" threat of nuclear power We discuss the threats, the corporate giveaways and financial realities, as well as real solutions to climate change. With Jim Bell Author, Creating a sustainable economy and future on our planet; former mayoral candidate Shirley Vaine President, San Onofre Citizen Council, Chuck Stemke International Socialist Organization and Ann Menasche Green Party of San Diego County

At the Joyce Beers Community Center On Vermont St. just North of University in Hillcrest (near Trader Joe's in the Uptown Shopping Center)

Co-sponsored by Activist San Diego, the International Socialist Organization, and the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice

More Info...




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