Labor and Community in Times of Crisis
2011 Labor Notes
Troublemakers School
Corporate America has created the worst crisis for workers and communities in decades, and we're paying the price for their greed. How do we unite and fight for a better future? Come share ideas and strategies with fellow unionists, activists, and community members
Workshops and Panels will include:
? The Economic Crisis and San Diego Workers
? Women & Labor
? Student Activism
? Community/Labor Alliances
? Immigrant Labor Rights
? Fighting Back Against Walmart & the Big Box Agenda
? The Crisis in the Public Sector
? Progressive Tax Reform
? Community-based Organizing & Social Movement Unionism
? Education "Reform" & the Assault on Democracy
? Globalization Next Door: Tijuana's Maquiladora Workers
? Workers' Centers & Organizing the Unorganized
? And more
Registration at 9 AM (continues all day)
Panels and workshops beginning at 10 AM until 8 PM
Lunch included; Reception that evening
San Diego City College,1313 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA, B103
For more information contact: Jim Miller at or (619) 640-1155
Register Today: 2011 San Diego Troublemakers' School Registration
Name Union/Organization/Individual
Phone & Email
Registration includes lunch. Send this form and $10 to: AFT Guild, 3737 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 410, San Diego, CA 92108. Make checks payable to AFT Guild. Students and unemployed workers FREE. For $35 get a one-year subscription to Labor Notes!
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