Monday, May 30, 2011

[SDCPJ] JUNE 4th - save the date! - NOT IN WISCONSIN AND NOT HERE!

Please forward to co-workers, family and friends
Dear Friends,
Workers employed by County of San Diego are in trouble and need your help. The County Board of Supervisors wants to cut pay for thousands of workers, from 7 - 17 % (varies by job, etc.). The County has no budget deficit and $2.2 billion in reserves. Top executives and managers continue to get pay raises and better benefits than ordinary workers.
We are asking you to turn out, and to help get other people out, for a rally at the County Administration Center on June 4th. We need a large demonstration of worker and community strength to pressure the County to stop its ideologically-motivated attack on workers, on our families and communities. NOT IN WISCONSIN AND NOT HERE!
Please see information about the Saturday, June 4th rally and about the collective bargaining issues with the County at
Monty Kroopkin
Steward, SEIU 221

p.s. -- I've pasted in here one of the other announcements about this rally. Please ask your union, church, or organization to announce the rally.
From: "Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice of San Diego County " <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 17:39:58 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Correction - Our County Workers Need Our Support!
If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online .
Share This:
To contact Kirsten Clemons please use the following e-mail address:

Important invitation from our labor partners:
Join Rabbi Laurie and ICWJ Staff for this urgently important event!  Workers who protect children, help those who are hungry or need access to healthcare and other important services need our support!
Justice for Working Families Rally
Saturday, June 4, 2011
10:00 a.m.
San Diego County Administration Center
1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego , CA
Food and entertainment will be provided at this family friendly event.
To RSVP or for additional information contact
Kirsten Clemons at or 858-560-0151 x 222
3727 Camino del Rio South Suite 100 | San Diego , CA 92108 US
This email was sent to To ensure that you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your
address book or safe list.


Friday, May 27, 2011

[SDCPJ] OPEN MIC Music and Poetry and ?!! ~ Activist San Diego Cultural Night! ~ 05/28/2011 - 6:00pm

Activist San Diego Cultural Night!
Joyce Beers Center 4065 Vermont Street, San Diego, CA 92103

05/28/2011 - 6:00pm   till  10:00pm
Event Summary : 
A night of music, art, and conversation about it's relevance to the current movement. Also a fundraiser and volunteer drive for our larger event, RedFest to happen this fall. Facebook details here:!/event.php?eid=126138604127048
Join in for a change

Hey folks!

Come out on May 28th to the Joyce Beers Center for an Activist San Diego Cultural Night! This event will be an open forum to discuss the role of music, art, spoken word and other types of self-expression and it's relevance to our current social and political movements. It's also going to be a mini preview of our RedFest event we are working towards building this fall. This your chance to get involved and share your, while enjoying some awesome entertainment.

There will be performances by a few local musical acts, and in between those acts we will have an Open-Mic for anyone that wants to share a poem or a song. Come early to sign up as time will be limited and we want to give as many people a chance to share their perspectives as possible! If you've painted a picture or another piece of artwork inspired by your political beliefs or social justice, bring it to display!

We will also be accepting donations to help build RedFest. Donations will go to securing the space for the event, any permits we have to get, and promotion. Donations can also come in the form of volunteering or providing experience and knowledge. We want this event to be community driven, so help from the community is beyond valuable; it is essential! If you have experience or access to services or technology that will help make RedFest a success, we would love to have you on the committee.

RedFest will also feature local music acts, poets, and artists with a decidedly political perspective and it will be on a much larger scale. There are several purposes for having this event. The main one will be to give the community a space to see the creative side of our movement and the chance to be involved in helping spread a message of empowerment and social justice. Lend your voice and you we will make it be heard!

We also want to raise money for Activist San Diego's Radio Project, which is working to bring a public radio station to San Diego! When Corporate Radio tries to marginalize and ignore our voices, we say refuse to be silenced! Carve out your own space and be heard!

So come out and find out how you can be involved, enjoy some great local entertainment, refreshments, and get involved in the conversation!See More

Phone Number: 
513.807.0694 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            513.807.0694     

[SDCPJ] CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - Arlington West Crosses Installation Sunday 8:00 am @ USS Midway

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jan Ruhman <>
Date: Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:23 AM
Subject: CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - Arlington West Crosses Installation Sunday 8:00 am @ USS Midway

Veterans & Supporters,
After discussions with several supporters and chapter members we will have decided to lengthen the Arlington West Memorial Day display to two 2) days and one (1) night. We will set-up of 1,500 crosses plus 500 candles at night and have a sleep over in the park by a few crazy old vets and supporters Sunday night.
At 8:00 am this Sunday morning, May 29th, two pick-up trucks will arrive in the park @ 910 Harbor Drive, behind the fantail of the USS Midway, to unload and begin the set-up of the crosses & flags to honor those young men and women who have needlessly lost their lives in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars this Memorial Day weekend.
We will be leaving the crosses and flags up all day Sunday and at sunset we will be placing 500 battery operated candles on 1/3 of the crosses that will burn throughout the night until sunrise on Monday morning. 
Sunday evening several vets and supporters will be needed to sleep in the park under the canopies in sleeping bags to guard the display and answer questions. Yes I will be one of those crazy vets :-) sleeping in the park Sunday evening  
Monday morning an additional display of 67 Tombstones with the names of those kids killed from San Diego County will be set up for the first time. It will be a very personal moving and powerful statement of the cost of war to the families of our neighbors here in San Diego.
In the future we hope to add 700+ additional Tombstones for those killed from the State of California. Donations are needed as each Tombstone costs over just over $4.50.
So far we have 6 volunteers plus myself for Sunday morning but we need the help of many more as 1,500 is a large number of crosses to set up but, it seems fitting given that we have lost 1,500 + kids Killed In Action (KIA) in Afghanistan alone
 If you are willing to volunteers to help set up the crosses for several hours commencing this Sunday morning please reply to me ASAP at
If you cannot help on Sunday morning but can volunteer to assist with the take down and storage of the crosses on Monday at 6:00 pm please email me at of your intent to volunteer to assist us with the take down and storage of the crosses. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hoa Binh (Peace in Vietnamese)
Jan A. Ruhman, Member
San Diego Veterans For Peace, Inc.
San Diego Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Inc.
Cell phone 858-361-6273 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

[SDCPJ] Monday May 23 - Agenda, San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice

All, please see below and attached - the SDCPJ meeting agenda.  SEE YOU at 7 PM!  Important items to discuss


                             3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105

                             Monday, May 23, 2011 – 7:00 PM



Welcome, Introductions

Note taker for this evening's meeting will be ________________

Next regular SDCPJ meeting: Monday, June 13 (to be confirmed).  Facilitator_____________



There are no minutes from May 9, which was devoted to the film "Our Story" (see agenda discussion item below)

New Business/Report Backs/Updates/Discussion Items

-- Update: SDCPJ Financial Report (current account, collection on March 19)

-- Update: High School Leafleting Project

-- Update: San Diego Community Radio Project

-- Report Back: May 1 Workers Unity Rally

-- Report Back/Discussion:  May 9 film showing "Our Story"; discussion, follow-up: establishing a BDS campaign in San Diego

--  Discussion:  Summer and Fall perspectives


Upcoming Actions/Events


Break Outs (as needed) 




***NOTE:  Information about events listed here can be found on SDCPJ's website  or at or at

[SDCPJ] BDS in San Diego! Discussion at San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice Mtg.

Please plan on attending the SDCPJ meeting for an important discussion on bringing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign to San Diego!

The meeting will be held at our meeting place:
Church of the Brethren
3850 Westgate Place
7pm Monday night

For more information on the BDS campaign, please consult:

San Diego Military Counseling Project

Saturday, May 21, 2011

[SDCPJ] SDCPJ, Monday May 23 - Call for Agenda Items

Monday, May 23, 7 PM is the next regular scheduled San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice meeting.  Items to discuss will include follow-up planning to the special airing we hosted of "Our Story" about Palestine, and the BDS campaign.  Please forward items you want to have included on the agenda; a final agenda will be distributed by the end of Sunday.  THANK YOU
Craig Jones

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

[SDCPJ] Help needed! Sat May 21 Work-a-thon

This Sat May 21 is the big work day and we need YOU.

The PRC needs your help! We are moving OUT of the trailer and into the Friends Center! If you prefer to not pack/move, you could also get your hands dirty in landscaping or building cleanup... Whatever your ability, we can use your help.

All participants are welcome, even up to the day. Join a great group of volunteers for peace & justice!
OR... if you can't be there, you can still help by being a sponsor. See details below.

Contact us with any questions. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you!

Saturday, May 21, starting at 9:00 AM

1.  VOLUNTEER for a day to help finish the construction of the Friends Center, an exciting project that combines environmentalism, peace activism and social justice organizing. The new Friends Center is a collaborative project of the Peace Resource Center, Church of the Brethren, San Diego Friends Meeting (Quakers) and American Friends Service Committee. The environmentally friendly building will house the PRC, Friends Meeting and AFSC U.S.-Mexico Border Project, and also provide meeting space for other community organizations and projects. To volunteer, complete and return the registration form that can be downloaded here:'s/Workthfl11b.pdf
2. SPONSOR a volunteer worker. Your donation as a sponsor will give encouragement to those donating their labor and also benefit two organizations financially: the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities ( and Peace Resource Center ( Send your check made out to "PRC/Work-a-thon" and we will match your donation with a worker. Mail it to: Peace Resource Center, 3850 Westgate Pl., San Diego, CA 92105.

For more information, visit, email or call 619-263-9301.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

[SDCPJ] PLEASE HELP DISTRIBUTE THESE FLIERS to 2000 educators and student to rally Fri. May 13th

State of Emergency Rally
Friday, May 13 from 4-6 p.m.

 EDUCATION -- State of Emergency Rally More than 2,000 educators, students, parents, union members, business and community leaders - arriving by car, trolley, bus and train from throughout San Diego, Imperial, and southern Orange and Riverside counties - will participate in a huge rally between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at San Diego's Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd.

Activist San Diego's
General Meeting

Joyce Beer Community Center Hillcrest - 1090 Vermont, one block north of Univ. Av, across from Trader Joe’s


State of Emergency of    Public Education

Unite to fight Cuts and Privatization!


Mon. 7 pm May 16


PANEL DISCUSSION; Join us.  Activist San Diego (ASD) is focusing its monthly evening meeting on The State of Emergency of Public Education: Unite to fight Cuts and Privatization! in particular in general. Panel 30-40 minutes and then lead and respond to a Q&A/discussion afterwords (1 hour 15 min. total).

SPECIAL EVENT:  2000 educators and student to rally Fri. May 13th 4pm  at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd.

*ALSO: New FM Community Radio update & ASD Membership elections.  Join us, get involved. Become an ASD voting member for just a $24 donation - support ASD mission to become and information, communications and mobilizing hub for San Diego and border region.

      For info - 619-871-9354

Please contact us if you are interested in helping out

Sign-up for ASD’s Weekly e-newsletter at
--  Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell  

[SDCPJ] (Reactionary) Americans for Prosperity / Young Republicans plan counter demonstration at union rally Friday

Below, please find a message from Secretary-Treasurer Gonzalez:
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Hopefully you have all received the e-mails about the rally to restore education funding this Friday, starting at 430 at Embarcadero Park.  (A flyer with details is attached.)  It appears (see below) that our good friends from American for Prosperity (that's the Koch Brothers!) and the Republican Party are planning a counter-protest against the Teachers Union on the same day , same place and same time.  I want to encourage everyone to come out and show our support for our union brothers and sisters who work in the schools, and the need for a budget with revenues. Please keep it classy and peaceful.
In Solidarity,

Subject: Stop The Teachers Union & Tax Increases This Friday @ San Diego Embarcadero Marine Park North
To ensure that emails from California Young Republican Federation are delivered to your inbox, please add to your address book or list of approved senders.

Stop The Teachers Union and Tax Increases This Friday
California Young Republican Federation is sponsoring this important event
The California Teachers Association and their Union friends are ONCE AGAIN using "the children" in their plot to raise taxes before reforming pensions and government waste. At a rally this week in Sacramento their rally cry is for more income and gas taxes with the mantra of the spending problem is "California isn't spending enough".
Tell the Teacher's Unions Enough is Enough! Join with Americans for Prosperity, The Republican Party of San Diego County, Orange County Republican Party, Radio Host Chip Franklin, Radio Host Mike Slater, (partial list), and taxpayers from throughout southern California at a counter rally to the union cry for more taxes. Tell them to stop using our children to oppose reform. OPPOSITION to the California Teacher's Association using our children to demand tax increases and oppose reform.
WHO:   Americans for Properity - California, Radio Host Chip Franklin, Radio Host Mike Slater,, Taxpayer Advocate Groups, The Republican Party of San Diego County, Orange County Republican Party, California Young Republican Federation (partial list).
WHAT: Rally in
WHEN: Friday, May 13, 2011
TIME: 4:30 PM
WHERE: San Diego Embarcadero Marine Park North - Look for giant ATM Machine
BRING: Homemade RESPECTFUL signs opposing tax increases, supporting reform, etc.
RSVP:  Contact Ashley Ingram at or 818-277-1563
Since parking is difficult at the Embarcadero, AFP will be organizing shuttles from Park and Ride locations - you will need to email the above address for a location and pick up time.
Invest in the future of California's Republican youth movement! As a new organization we need all the help we can get to build a world class volunteer action network. Your donation will allow us to scale up our operations to be an effective force statewide. Thank you for your support!

CYRF Networks

CYRF Board
Adam Abrahms

Jenniffer Rodriguez

Joe Sanchis
State Vice Chair

Alex Burrola

Michelle Cloyne

Rohit Joy
Nat. Committeeman

Tiffany Abrahms
Nat. Committeewoman

Nathan Miller
Finance Director

Angie Meyer

Michael Major
Vice Chair North

Matt Hewitt
Vice Chair Central

Justin Smith
Vice Chair South

Ashley Ingram
Executive Director

Dave Bartels
General Counsel

Erin Seay
Membership Director

Scott Carpenter
Political Director

Adam Haverstock
E-Media Director
About the California Young Republican Federation:
The California Young Republican Federation (CYRF) is the statewide voice of California's Young Conservatives. Member chapters consist of Republicans aged 40 and under. Visit for more information.

Jerry N. Tomaszewicz, Jr.
Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer & CEO Lorena Gonzalez / Field Organizer
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 403
San Diego, CA  92108
desk: 619.228.8101, ex. 5
cell: 413.210.3664
fax: 619.281.1296
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. And you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." -- Cesar Chavez
jnt/OPEIU-537, AFL-CIO

Content-Type: application/pdf; name="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf"
Content-Description: StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf";
     size=70153; creation-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT";
      modification-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

[SDCPJ] Wed May 18, 430 pm - TOWN HALL MEETING with Congresswoman Susan Davis

Congresswoman Susan Davis will be holding her "Uptown Neighborhood Day" on Wednesday May 18th in Normal Heights. Join a coalition of progressive group, including US Uncut San Diego, as we tell her it's time to "STOP THE WARS, TAX THE RICH and STOP THE CUTS."

It's time our government put an end to wars, corporate tax loopholes, and tax breaks for the richest Americans instead of asking hard-working citizens to tighten our belts and sacrifice essential services and valuable social programs upon which we depend.

We want to ensure Susan Davis hears us loud and clear! The town hall meeting starts at 6:00, but progressive groups will be meeting outside the event at 4:30. Bring a sign and get ready to be heard!!/event.php?eid=203751219664354
Rick G.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

[SDCPJ] PLEASE HELP DISTRIBUTE THESE FLIERS to 2000 educators and student to rally Fri. May 13th

State of Emergency Rally
Friday, May 13 from 4-6 p.m.

 EDUCATION -- State of Emergency Rally More than 2,000 educators, students, parents, union members, business and community leaders - arriving by car, trolley, bus and train from throughout San Diego, Imperial, and southern Orange and Riverside counties - will participate in a huge rally between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at San Diego's Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd.

Activist San Diego's
General Meeting

Joyce Beer Community Center Hillcrest - 1090 Vermont, one block north of Univ. Av, across from Trader Joe’s


State of Emergency of    Public Education

Unite to fight Cuts and Privatization!


Mon. 7 pm May 16


PANEL DISCUSSION; Join us.  Activist San Diego (ASD) is focusing its monthly evening meeting on The State of Emergency of Public Education: Unite to fight Cuts and Privatization! in particular in general. Panel 30-40 minutes and then lead and respond to a Q&A/discussion afterwords (1 hour 15 min. total).

SPECIAL EVENT:  2000 educators and student to rally Fri. May 13th 4pm  at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd.

*ALSO: New FM Community Radio update & ASD Membership elections.  Join us, get involved. Become an ASD voting member for just a $24 donation - support ASD mission to become and information, communications and mobilizing hub for San Diego and border region.

      For info - 619-871-9354

Please contact us if you are interested in helping out

Sign-up for ASD’s Weekly e-newsletter at
--  Martin Eder 619-871-9354 = Cell  

[SDCPJ] (Reactionary) Americans for Prosperity / Young Republicans plan counter demonstration at union rally Friday

Below, please find a message from Secretary-Treasurer Gonzalez:
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Hopefully you have all received the e-mails about the rally to restore education funding this Friday, starting at 430 at Embarcadero Park.  (A flyer with details is attached.)  It appears (see below) that our good friends from American for Prosperity (that's the Koch Brothers!) and the Republican Party are planning a counter-protest against the Teachers Union on the same day , same place and same time.  I want to encourage everyone to come out and show our support for our union brothers and sisters who work in the schools, and the need for a budget with revenues. Please keep it classy and peaceful.
In Solidarity,

Subject: Stop The Teachers Union & Tax Increases This Friday @ San Diego Embarcadero Marine Park North
To ensure that emails from California Young Republican Federation are delivered to your inbox, please add to your address book or list of approved senders.

Stop The Teachers Union and Tax Increases This Friday
California Young Republican Federation is sponsoring this important event
The California Teachers Association and their Union friends are ONCE AGAIN using "the children" in their plot to raise taxes before reforming pensions and government waste. At a rally this week in Sacramento their rally cry is for more income and gas taxes with the mantra of the spending problem is "California isn't spending enough".
Tell the Teacher's Unions Enough is Enough! Join with Americans for Prosperity, The Republican Party of San Diego County, Orange County Republican Party, Radio Host Chip Franklin, Radio Host Mike Slater, (partial list), and taxpayers from throughout southern California at a counter rally to the union cry for more taxes. Tell them to stop using our children to oppose reform. OPPOSITION to the California Teacher's Association using our children to demand tax increases and oppose reform.
WHO:   Americans for Properity - California, Radio Host Chip Franklin, Radio Host Mike Slater,, Taxpayer Advocate Groups, The Republican Party of San Diego County, Orange County Republican Party, California Young Republican Federation (partial list).
WHAT: Rally in
WHEN: Friday, May 13, 2011
TIME: 4:30 PM
WHERE: San Diego Embarcadero Marine Park North - Look for giant ATM Machine
BRING: Homemade RESPECTFUL signs opposing tax increases, supporting reform, etc.
RSVP:  Contact Ashley Ingram at or 818-277-1563
Since parking is difficult at the Embarcadero, AFP will be organizing shuttles from Park and Ride locations - you will need to email the above address for a location and pick up time.
Invest in the future of California's Republican youth movement! As a new organization we need all the help we can get to build a world class volunteer action network. Your donation will allow us to scale up our operations to be an effective force statewide. Thank you for your support!

CYRF Networks

CYRF Board
Adam Abrahms

Jenniffer Rodriguez

Joe Sanchis
State Vice Chair

Alex Burrola

Michelle Cloyne

Rohit Joy
Nat. Committeeman

Tiffany Abrahms
Nat. Committeewoman

Nathan Miller
Finance Director

Angie Meyer

Michael Major
Vice Chair North

Matt Hewitt
Vice Chair Central

Justin Smith
Vice Chair South

Ashley Ingram
Executive Director

Dave Bartels
General Counsel

Erin Seay
Membership Director

Scott Carpenter
Political Director

Adam Haverstock
E-Media Director
About the California Young Republican Federation:
The California Young Republican Federation (CYRF) is the statewide voice of California's Young Conservatives. Member chapters consist of Republicans aged 40 and under. Visit for more information.

Jerry N. Tomaszewicz, Jr.
Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer & CEO Lorena Gonzalez / Field Organizer
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 403
San Diego, CA  92108
desk: 619.228.8101, ex. 5
cell: 413.210.3664
fax: 619.281.1296
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. And you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." -- Cesar Chavez
jnt/OPEIU-537, AFL-CIO

Content-Type: application/pdf; name="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf"
Content-Description: StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf";
     size=70153; creation-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT";
      modification-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[SDCPJ] State of Emergency Rally on Friday

Though this appears to apply to K-12 grades, the issue of public funding impacts all education in the state including the Cal State system and U.C.

UCSD faculty, students and workers have not hit the bricks for quite a while now and here is our chance to join with others in support of public education.

Fred  President
UC-AFT San Diego Local 2034

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Scores of protests, rallies, teacher sit-ins and grade-ins, and town halls are part of a statewide "State of Emergency" campaign week of actions launched Monday by CTA and a coalition of supporters calling on the Legislature to extend current taxes now to avoid the catastrophe of an all-cuts budget.
The week of actions, many happening locally, will culminate in a large rally on Friday. Please see the attached flyer and details below and share this information with members, staff and any others who may be interested.
State of Emergency Rally
Friday, May 13 from 4-6 p.m.
Embarcadero Marina Park North
500 Kettner Blvd, San Diego
More than 2,000 educators, students, parents, union members, business and community leaders - arriving by car, trolley, bus and train from throughout San Diego, Imperial, and southern Orange and Riverside counties - will participate in a huge rally between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at San Diego's Embarcadero Marina Park North, 500 Kettner Blvd.
The rally will include entertainment from the Lakeside Middle School Show Choir and San Diego's Monarch School Steel Drum Band. The speaking program will include welcome remarks by San Diego Education Association President Bill Freeman, welcome remarks from the State Education Coalition by CTA Executive Director Carolyn Doggett, and remarks by Darrin Curtis, California Teacher of the Year from Lakeside Union School District, and by Lou Obermeyer, California Superintendent of the Year from Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District. Representatives from the Parent Teachers Association, California School Boards Association, Association of California School Administrators, California School Employees Association and California Faculty Association will also participate.
Contacts: Bill Guy, 619-709-0028, or Lisa Eck , 714-504-7108 (cell).
You can view the calendar of local actions on our website,, and visit to learn more about the campaign.
We hope to see you there!
In solidarity,
Elizabeth Newman
Field Organizer/Program Coordinator
San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council,  AFL-CIO
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 403   San Diego, CA 92108
619.228.8101 x4
ekn/OPEIU-537, AFL-CIO

Content-Type: application/pdf; name="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf"
Content-Description: StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="StateofEmergencyFlyer.pdf";
     size=70153; creation-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT";
      modification-date="Thu, 05 May 2011 18:19:17 GMT"

[SDCPJ] Freeway Bannering Downtown San Diego: Thu MAY 12, 3:30-5:30

Dear Veterans and Supporters:
Please join San Diego Veterans for Peace:
WHEN: THURSDAY MAY 12 3:30 P.M.--- 5:30 PM.
WHERE; 6th Ave Overpass on I-5. 
Joining San Diego Veterans For Peace will be Elliot Adams the President of Veterans For Peace and Will Covert a Veterans For Peace Activist. Bring your signs, you energy and enthusiasm. 
Let's get the word out End These Wars. 
Please forward this to every peace activist you know. Let's make our presence felt.

[SDCPJ] REMINDER: NALC Food Drive this Saturday!

Dear all,

The annual Food Drive is this Saturday.  Please leave nonperishable food items (including pet food) by your mail box or wherever it is delivered.  It will be picked up by your Letter Carrier and taken to the city Food Bank.  If you can volunteer, all the better.

This helps a lot of families in this area.


The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) is pleased to announce that its annual food drive will be held this coming Saturday, May 14th, at the San Diego Food Bank!  300 volunteers are needed to help unload and sort the food, so bring the entire family and/or a team of co-workers to this wonderful event which collects more than 150,000 pounds of canned food for the community of San Diego.   Food collected at this food drive will be distributed throughout the year by the Department of Labor Participation, AFL-CIO Community Services.
If you have any questions or to RSVP your team members' names and locals, please call Ruby Featherly at 619-641-0068 or fax a list to 619-282-1140.  Volunteers will need to be at the San Diego Food Bank (9850 Distribution Ave) at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 14.  If you wish to wish to volunteer during the day at a post office, call Ruby.  She has a list of area post offices who need help unloading food as it comes in throughout the day.
Food and drink will be provided as a party atmosphere prevails!  Dinner will be served at 7 p.m.  Support organized labor and your fellow union members by wearing your union colors!
Directions to the Food Bank are attached.
Thank you for all that you do, and for your continued support of this wonderful event!  See you Saturday!
In solidarity,
Jerry N. Tomaszewicz, Jr.
Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer & CEO Lorena Gonzalez / Field Organizer
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 403
San Diego, CA  92108
desk: 619.228.8101, ex. 5
cell: 413.210.3664
fax: 619.281.1296
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. And you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." -- Cesar Chavez
jnt/OPEIU-537, AFL-CIO

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      creation-date="Mon, 09 May 2011 21:06:26 GMT";
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[SDCPJ] Sunday May 22, 2011 6 PM Screening of Documentary About the Nakba

[please forward widely]
Important Educational Event and Commemoration

On Sunday 22 May 2011, to mark the 63rd year of the Nakba, Al-Awda San Diego will
be holding a screening of a historical documentary in English about the
events leading to the Nakba. The screening will be begin at 6 PM and will be
followed by a discussion. We are expecting survivors of the Nakba, who
witnessed first-hand the events in 1947/48 in various villages and cities in
Palestine to take part in the discussion.

Join us for this important educational event and commemoration!

The screening and discussion will be held at Al-Awda Center 2734 Loker Avenue
West Suite K, Carlsbad, California, 92010

Admission is FREE.

Al-Nakba (Arabic for Catastrophe) refers to the mass expulsion and
dispossession of the Palestinian people from their own homeland which began
in 1947. More than 450 Palestinian villages were destroyed and greater than
three-quarters of a million Palestinians were driven from their homes and
lands by the Zionist colonization program, beginning a process of ethnic cleansing that
continues unabated to this day.

Directions To Al-Awda Center

From I-5, exit Palomar Airport Road and head East - make a left on Loker
Avenue West (first left after you cross El Camino Real) and left into
Carlsbad Crossroads business center (look for the large Carlsbad Crossroads
sign). End 2734 Loker Avenue West Suite K.

From I-15, exit I-78 West. From I-78 exit San Marcos Blvd and head West. San
Marcos Blvd becomes Palomar Airport Road when you enter Carlsbad.
Loker Avenue West will be on your right, past the Melrose Drive and El Fuerte
intersections. Other directions as above.

From El Camino Real, go East on Palomar Airport Road and make a (first) left
on Loker Avenue West. Other directions as above.

For more information:

Al-Awda San Diego
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-918-9441
Fax:  760-918-9442

Monday, May 9, 2011


Please join us for this amazing presentation!
And please share this notice with your friends and email lists ~ thank you!
Elliott Adams, current President of National Veterans For Peace, and Will Covert, renowned peace activist, present:

Tuesday • May 10, 7 PM
San Diego First Church of the Brethren •. 3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, CA 92105
In October 2009, Washington Physicians For Social Responsibility sponsored a delegation to the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Assisted by Israeli authorities, the 12 delegates spent five days in Gaza. Six of the delegates were physicians who offered medical consultation and provided care with their professional colleagues. One delegate, a nurse with experience in bereavement, provided classes in grief and bereavement for social workers, psychologists and nurses. The five humanitarian delegates (including Elliott Adams and Will covert) toured sites in Gaza and visited human rights professionals, child development centers, and family members. Stories of the ongoing siege and the results of the Israeli war on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead, during the winter of 2008-2009 were central to each encounter. The delegation was hosted by Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, founder of Gaza Community Mental Health Program and a friend of Washington Physicians For Social Responsibility since 1993.

The Presenters:

Elliott Adams
A paratrooper in the infantry serving in Viet Nam, Japan, Korea, and Alaska. He has served his local community in a variety of capacities including: Mayor, President of the School Board, Committee Chair of BSA Explorer Post 17, President of Rotary, Master of the Masonic Lodge. Elliott left politics to become an activist. Attending untold numbers of demonstrations, working at many levels, from stapling signs to doing logistics and organizing work for United For Peace and Justice and War Resisters League , School Of Americas Watch, Peace Has No Borders, Veterans For Peace and many other organizations, at events across the country. Elliott moved from being a soldier to a nonviolent warrior. He is Nonviolent Training Coordinator for Veterans For Peace, is a nonviolence trainer for Creating A culture Of Peace, and is a member of their Leadership Team. He has also done nonviolence and social movement trainings for School Of Americas Watch, Peacemakers of Schoharie, Student Environmental Action Coalition, War Resistors League, and other groups. Elliott has dedicated his life to stopping this war and stopping all war.

Will Covert
In his effort to understand the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the role the U.S. government plays in the conflict, Will has made five trips to Palestine, including one into Gaza. Will's attended nonviolence facilitator's trainings conducted by Creating a Culture of Peace, the Nonviolent Peaceforce/Michigan Peace Team, and George Lakey's Training For Change. He believes the survival of the Palestinian people, and perhaps of the human species, is inevitably tied to bringing about the paradigm of nonviolent conflict resolution. Will is a US Navy Veteran and is a lifetime member of Veterans For Peace. He is thoroughly committed to the goals and objectives of Veterans For Peace, most specifically the abolishment of war as an instrument of national policy.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

[SDCPJ] [unac] U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks


Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 14:58:48 -0400
Subject: [unac] U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks

(please forward widely)
These attacks on our movement can not go unanswered.
Committee to Stop FBI Repression (

U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks on Civil Liberties of Anti-War, Palestinian Human Rights Activists

Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald first thing Monday morning! (contact info at bottom of this email)

On Friday, May 6, the U.S. government froze the bank accounts of Hatem Abudayyeh and his wife, Naima. This unwarranted attack on a leading member of the Palestinian community in Chicago is the latest escalation of the repression of anti-war and Palestinian community organizers by the FBI, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Hatem Abudayyeh is one of 23 activists from Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in Chicago, and his home was raided by the FBI in September of last year. Neither Hatem Abudayyeh nor Naima Abudayyeh have been charged with any crime.
One of the bank accounts frozen was exclusively in Naima Abudayyeh's name. Leaders of the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression, as well as Chicago's Coalition to Protect People's Rights are appalled at the government's attempt to restrict the family's access to its finances, especially so soon before Mothers' Day. Not only does the government's action seriously disrupt the lives of the Abudayyehs and their five-year-old daughter, but it represents an attack on Chicago's Arab community and activist community and the fundamental rights of Americans to freedom of speech.

The persecution of the Abudayyeh family is another example of the criminalization of Palestinians, their supporters, and their movement for justice and liberation. There has been widespread criticism of the FBI and local law enforcement for their racial profiling and scapegoating of Arab and Muslim Americans. These repressive tactics include infiltration of community centers and mosques, entrapment of young men, and the prominent case of 11 students from the University of California campuses at Irvine and Riverside who have been subpoenaed to a grand jury and persecuted for disrupting a speech by Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the US. The government's attempt to conflate the anti-war and human rights movements with terrorism is a cynical attempt to capitalize on the current political climate in order to silence Palestinians and other people of conscience who exercise their First Amendment rights in a manner which does not conform to the administration's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East.
The issuance of subpoenas against the 23 activists has been met with widespread opposition and criticism across the country. Six members of the U.S. Congress, including five in the past month, have sent letters to either Holder or President Obama, expressing grave concern for the violations of the civil liberties and rights of the 23 activists whose freedom is on the line. Three additional U.S. representatives have also promised letters, as thousands of constituents and other people of conscience across the U.S. have demanded an end to this assault on legitimate political activism and dissent. Over 60 Minnesota state legislators also issued a resolution condemning the subpoenas.
The Midwest activists have been expecting indictments for some time. The freezing of the Abudayyeh family's bank accounts suggests that the danger of indictments is imminent.

Take action Monday, May 9:
Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300.

Then dial 0 (zero) for the operator and ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
Demand Fitzgerald
-- Unfreeze the bank accounts of the Abudayyeh family and
-- Stop repression against Palestinian, anti-war and international solidarity activists.

In solidarity,
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression and
The Coalition to Protect People's Rights
For more info go to
Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved.
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
Our mailing address is:
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Add us to your address book

Saturday, May 7, 2011

[SDCPJ] Key to Peace: SDCPJ, May 9 - Special Movie Session, 7 pm - "Our Story"

Palestine remains a key to Middle East, and world, peace.  Come to a SPECIAL San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice session, participate, learn: 

- please forward widely -


San Diego Premiere


Our Story

Video from Palestine followed by discussion


Monday, May 9, 7pm

 Church of the Brethren

3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105

San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice - info(at)
email flyer.jpg

Friday, May 6, 2011

[SDCPJ] Deadline approaching: Register for the annual Work-a-thon for Peace & Justice

Please register by May 11 for this very important event. The Friends Center will house several organizations working on critical issues in our region and provide meeting space for other community groups. Plus, this event is a chance for you to support an local organization that plays a national leadership role in the movement to resist the militarization of schools and young people.
Saturday, May 21, starting at 9:00 AM

1.  Volunteer for a day to help finish the construction of the Friends Center, an exciting project that combines environmentalism, peace activism and social justice organizing. The new Friends Center is a collaborative project of the Peace Resource Center, Church of the Brethren, San Diego Friends Meeting (Quakers) and American Friends Service Committee. The environmentally friendly building will house the PRC, Friends Meeting and AFSC U.S.-Mexico Border Project, and also provide meeting space for other community organizations and projects. To volunteer, complete and return by May 11 the registration form that can be downloaded here:'s/Workthfl11b.pdf
2. SPONSOR a volunteer worker. Your donation as a sponsor will give encouragement to those donating their labor and also benefit two organizations financially: the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities and Peace Resource Center. Send your check made out to "PRC/Work-a-thon" and we will match your donation with a worker. Mail it to: Peace Resource Center, 3850 Westgate Pl., San Diego, CA 92105.
For more information, visit, email or call 619-263-9301.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

[SDCPJ] Anti-militarist Web site recently updated

This is to let you know that NEW articles and updated content have recently been posted at, the Web site of the San Diego-based Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD).
Included in the current update are three articles from the latest issue of COMD's printed newsletter, Draft NOtices:

- "Legislation Introduced to Limit Selective Service Registration to 'National Emergencies'," an alert regarding legislation introduce recently in Congress.

- "Bradley Manning: Army Whistleblower Now Charged with Capital Crime," by Kathy Gilberd, describes the military's imprisonment and harsh treatment of the man accused of releasing thousands of reports, messages and documents to WikiLeaks.
- "HR 637: Fairness for Military Recruiters, but Not for Students," by Rick Jahnkow, describes Rep. Duncan Hunter's proposal that would make it hard for students to opt themselves out before their high schools release their contact information to recruiters.
In addition to the above three articles, the current printed version of Draft NOtices includes a satirical commentary on the military's efforts to appear "green;" an alert on the bill that would link drivers' licenses to draft registration in Calif.; an open letter on Obama's undermining of peace gains in schools; an update on the struggle to stop the Wind Zero military training facility; and a flier for students on the new recruiting restrictions in San Diego schools.
To order the complete printed version of Draft NOtices, visit the Web site's Draft NOtices page.

[SDCPJ] May 9, 7 pm - Palestine video - SDCPJ


- please forward widely -


San Diego Premiere


Our Story

Video from Palestine followed by discussion


Monday, May 9, 7pm


Church of the Brethren

3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105

San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice - info(at)
email flyer.jpg

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Please join us for this amazing presentation!
And please share this notice with your friends and email lists ~ thank you!
Elliott Adams, current President of National Veterans For Peace, and Will Covert, renowned peace activist, present:

Tuesday • May 10, 7 PM
San Diego First Church of the Brethren •. 3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, CA 92105
In October 2009, Washington Physicians For Social Responsibility sponsored a delegation to the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Assisted by Israeli authorities, the 12 delegates spent five days in Gaza. Six of the delegates were physicians who offered medical consultation and provided care with their professional colleagues. One delegate, a nurse with experience in bereavement, provided classes in grief and bereavement for social workers, psychologists and nurses. The five humanitarian delegates (including Elliott Adams and Will covert) toured sites in Gaza and visited human rights professionals, child development centers, and family members. Stories of the ongoing siege and the results of the Israeli war on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead, during the winter of 2008-2009 were central to each encounter. The delegation was hosted by Dr. Eyad El Sarraj, founder of Gaza Community Mental Health Program and a friend of Washington Physicians For Social Responsibility since 1993.

The Presenters:

Elliott Adams
A paratrooper in the infantry serving in Viet Nam, Japan, Korea, and Alaska. He has served his local community in a variety of capacities including: Mayor, President of the School Board, Committee Chair of BSA Explorer Post 17, President of Rotary, Master of the Masonic Lodge. Elliott left politics to become an activist. Attending untold numbers of demonstrations, working at many levels, from stapling signs to doing logistics and organizing work for United For Peace and Justice and War Resisters League , School Of Americas Watch, Peace Has No Borders, Veterans For Peace and many other organizations, at events across the country. Elliott moved from being a soldier to a nonviolent warrior. He is Nonviolent Training Coordinator for Veterans For Peace, is a nonviolence trainer for Creating A culture Of Peace, and is a member of their Leadership Team. He has also done nonviolence and social movement trainings for School Of Americas Watch, Peacemakers of Schoharie, Student Environmental Action Coalition, War Resistors League, and other groups. Elliott has dedicated his life to stopping this war and stopping all war.

Will Covert
In his effort to understand the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the role the U.S. government plays in the conflict, Will has made five trips to Palestine, including one into Gaza. Will's attended nonviolence facilitator's trainings conducted by Creating a Culture of Peace, the Nonviolent Peaceforce/Michigan Peace Team, and George Lakey's Training For Change. He believes the survival of the Palestinian people, and perhaps of the human species, is inevitably tied to bringing about the paradigm of nonviolent conflict resolution. Will is a US Navy Veteran and is a lifetime member of Veterans For Peace. He is thoroughly committed to the goals and objectives of Veterans For Peace, most specifically the abolishment of war as an instrument of national policy.

The Hidden Enemy




Corruption in the Senate



Raise the Minimum Wage

Raise the Minimum Wage





My New Book About Sudan

Ceasar's Messiah Movie Trailer

The Dark Side of Coffee Trade

Miko Peled "The General's Son" Exposes Israeli Lies

Are these Your Heros?

Are these Your Heros?

National shame

National shame

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Stephen Fry on Catholisism

Juanita Ayson on Accupuncture

Interview with Congressman Filner

Free Trade Enslaves Us All

Blog Archive

Farouk Al Nasser

Farouk Al Nasser
Farouk Al Nasser at NCCPJ

Victor Calle

Victor Calle
At NCCP April 2008

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow

Gore Vidal and Floyd Morrow
April Fundraiser in San Diego

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan

Tanja and Cindy Sheehan
Fund raiser for Cindy April 2008


The Citizens' Internet Television Network


The Citizens' Internet Radio Network

Save America

Save America
Save America





We Are All One

We Are All One
We Are All One

Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism

Change the System

Change the System
Change the System

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth

A Lie Does Not Become the Truth
A lie does not become the truth





Fetus Rights

Fetus Rights
Fetus Rights

The Earth Was Created

The Earth Was Created
The Earth Was Created

