Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Peter Joseph TZM Response to Media; Death of Osama bin Laden

For your consideration.



TZM: Response to Media; Death of Osama bin Laden

On May 1, 2011 Pres. Barack Obama appeared on national television with the spontaneous announcement that Osama bin Laden, the purported organizer of the tragic events of September 11th 2001, was killed by military forces in Pakistan.

Within moments, a media blitz ran across virtually all television networks in what could only be described as a grotesque celebratory display, reflective of a level of emotional immaturity that borders on cultural psychosis. Depictions of people running through the streets of New York and Washington chanting jingoistic American slogans, waving their flags like the members of some cult, praising the death of another human being, reveals yet another layer of this sickness we call modern society.

It is not the scope of this response to address the political usage of such an event or to illuminate the staged orchestration of how public perception was to be controlled by the mainstream media and the United States Government. Rather the point of this article is to express the gross irrationality apparent and how our culture becomes so easily fixed and emotionally charged with respect to surface symbology, rather than true root problems, solutions or rational considerations of circumstance.

The first and most obvious point is that the death of Osama bin Laden means nothing when it comes to the problem of international terrorism. His death simply serves as a catharsis for a culture that has a neurotic fixation on revenge and retribution. The very fact that the Government which, from a psychological standpoint, has always served as a paternal figure for it citizens, reinforces the idea that murdering people is a solution to anything should be enough for most of us to take pause and consider the quality of the values coming out of the zeitgeist itself.

However, beyond the emotional distortions and tragic, vindictive pattern of rewarding the continuation of human division and violence comes a more practical consideration regarding what the problem really is and the importance of that problem with respect to priority.

The death of any human being is of an immeasurable consequence in society. It is never just the death of the individual. It is the death of relationships, companionship, support and the integrity of familial and communal environments. The unnecessary deaths of 3000 people on September 11, 2001 is no more or no less important than the deaths of those during the World Wars, via cancer and disease, accidents or anything else.

As a society, it is safe to say that we seek a world that strategically limits all such unnecessary consequences through social approaches that allow for the greatest safety our ingenuity can create. It is in this context that the neurotic obsession with the events of September 11th, 2001 become gravely insulting and detrimental to progress. An environment has now been created where outrageous amounts of money, resources and energy is spent seeking and destroying very small subcultures of human beings that pose ideological differences and act on those differences through violence.

Yet, in the United States alone each year, roughly 30,000 people die from automobile accidents, the majority of which could be stopped by very simple structural changes. That's ten 9/11's each year... yet no one seems to pine over this epidemic. Likewise, over 1 million Americans die from heart disease and cancer annually - causes of which are now easily linked to environmental influences in the majority. Yet, regardless of the over 330 9/11's occurring each year in this context, the governmental budget allocations for research on these illnesses is only a small fraction of the money spent on “anti-terrorism” operations.

Such a list could go on and on with regard to the perversion of priority when it comes to what it means to truly save and protect human life and I hope many out there can recognize the severe imbalance we have at hand with respect to our values.

So, coming back to the point of revenge and retribution, I will conclude this response with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., likely the most brilliant intuitive mind when it came to conflict and the power of non-violence. On September 15, 1963 a Birmingham Alabama church was bombed, killing four little girls attending Sunday school.

In a public address, Dr. King stated:

“What murdered these four girls? Look around. You will see that many people that you never thought about participated in this evil act. So tonight all of us must leave here with a new determination to struggle. God has a job for us to do. Maybe our mission is to save the soul of America. We can't save the soul of this nation throwing bricks. We can't save the soul of this nation getting our ammunitions and going out shooting physical weapons. We must know that we have something much more powerful. Just take up the ammunition of love.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King, 1963 -

~Peter Joseph



JD Mumma, Ami. said...

Thank you for sending out the message!
"Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" Martin Luther King
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Martin Luther King

I have met hundreds of peace loving/promoting people over the decades and hundreds of military employees as well.
In general I always found it interesting how well organized of a group the military people where and how disjointed as a group the peace promoters (including me) were.

Since there are many people wanting peace and willing to do whatever it takes... I thought it would be good if we paused for a PEACE PROMOTION REALITY CHECK...


1) Do you know what it means to be peace literate?
2) Are you more Peace literate or War literate?
3) How much do you know about peace strategies, tactics, logistics, technologies...?
4) Can you name as many peace strategies as you can violence and war strategies?
5) Can you list out the top 5 most effective peace strategies?
6) What would you say is the ratio of peace education and information (videos, documentaries, books, documents, websites, seminars, training...) you have been educated by versus... violence and war education/information?
7) Would you say the 'peace movement' is as efficient and effective as the military industrial complex who seem to have made effective use of: technology devices (weapons, computers, machines...), science, long term experiential group training, perfected strategies (logistics, tactics...), large social organizational structures, training documentation (lists, books...)...?
a) And if not then why not and
b) would it be wise for the 'Peace movement' to adapt appropriate the successful practices used by the military industrial complex?
8+) Please... Add you own Peace literacy test Question or suggestion!!!

JD Mumma, Ami.
(720) 2 EXCEL U (239-2358)

Anonymous said...

Lala…u r entitled to your opinions….i happen to think the evidence against bin Laden for 9/11 and for many other bombings/killings is overwhelming …. He deserved capital punishment … even if swift and without due process…

Lois said...

Thank you for allowing us to express our opinion on this appalling issue about Osama bin Laden's execution. It is analogous to police shootings throughout the USA without due process or consequence. Just as bin Laden's wife was shot to avoid her aggression to protect the man that fathered her children, bin Laden's life could have been spared and brought to trial.I personally distrust our government to tell us the truth and question whether the killing was really bin Laden. Since DNA is used in verification of individuals, we can assume the samples were collected, examined, and determined clinically, but we were not there. Whose DNA was it or is it a hoax?
In agreement with Martin Luther King, and more importantly, God’s words... “Love thy neighbor as thy self, love thy enemy, thou shall not kill, pray for your enemy, turn the other cheek”… we are suppose to be a Christian nation. However, only a small number of Americans practice Christian behavior. We have evolved into an immoral sex craved nation of cruel inhumanity without conscious in killing, violence, exploiting women by continuing to advocate dressing immodestly as a symbol of beauty, and exploiting the workforce with sub-living wage incomes… Are we any better than the greatest public enemy, China? Ask the homeless, jobless, hopeless, and those that can not afford higher education. I sincerely believe, a country that fails to produce the commodities it consumes is doomed.

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