Friday, June 17, 2011

[SDCPJ] Activist Summit - Mon, June 20 - 7PM - Activist San Diego's 12th Anniversary General Meeting

 Activist San Diego's 12th Anniversary

MONDAY, June 20th at 7 PM

General Meeting and Activist Summit

For the last 12 years Activist San Diego has sought to be an information, communications and mobilization hub for left-progressives in the border region. From humble beginnings and a big vision ASD set out to be a catalyst for more grassroots activism and to grow the movement for social change.  All of what we accomplished was thanks to you and the Network for Social Justice; organizations and individuals willing to unite for common cause.

Celebrate the past, Prepare for the future!

ASD wants you to be part of our next stage of development and is calling on activists of all stripes to help us envision the next 12 years. 

ASD has an impressive record of having initiated or co-sponsored 375+ community events, forums, rallies, campaigns, teach-ins, workshops, educationals and speakers (including Michael Moore, Greg Palast, Amy Goodman).  We sustained a weekly email newsletter, the Activist Update, for 550 issues. ASD and the PRC initiated the SD Coalition for Peace and Justice. The Activist Film Series showed more than 100 films in the community. ASD purchased and maintained the Activist Center and provided community meeting space, a housing coop and office space for many emerging non-profits including: TranscenDance Youth Arts Project, SD Military Counseling Project, Fernando Suarez's Guerrero Azteca Peace Project, (Salvadorean Women's Coop), Just Garments,  City Heights Free Skool, Bike Kitchen, Collective Memory Project, Activist Youth of SD and several other initiatives. 

Most recently ASD landed a Construction Permit from the FCC to launch a new 'full-power" FM, listener-supported, educational radio station to be run by the SD Community Radio Project!

Nevertheless ASD is a long way from being able to transform the political landscape in San Diego County -- that is why we need your vision and your help.

Join us for a change!  June's General meeting will be:

1-part Celebration of our accomplishments (Add your 30-60 second blurb from the floor).

1-part Introduction and election of our new board members; come cheer them on.

1-part Activist Summit to rethink ASD's future, done in the style of the Peace Cafe (small tables followed by collective presentations).


Snacks and tabling opportunities will be available

MONDAY, June 20th at 7 PM

Joyce Beers Community Center

in Hillcrest (4065 Vermont St. San Diego, CA 92103).

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us!

For more information call:  619-871-9354 cell, office 619-528-8383

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