We will be planning a gathering to solemnly mark the day and to learn the lessons resulting from 10 years of war... 9-11-11 is the 10th Anniversary of September 11th, 2001.
We are calling on all members of the Peace and Justice Community to reassemble to make a profound statement to the San Diego citizenry. If your group wants to endorse the event, please come tonight and/or return the form to Martin@ActivistSanDiego.org
Monday, 8/08/11, at 7:00 p.m.
at 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105.
On the 10th anniversary of September 11th, 2001
A call for the community of conscience to reflect on the meaning of 9/11
We call for all Peace and Justice Community to reassemble to make a profound statement to the San Diego citizenry.
On September 12th, 2001 hundreds of us gathered at the bequest of Activist San Diego and the Peace Resource Center to develop our collective response to the tragedy of 911 in New York City. Hundreds of us gathered at the Church of the Brethren representing about 100 organizations. Together we formed the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice - and we have met ever since. We were united in the desire to prevent a new tragedy from occurring, to prevent one blood-bath from following another. Revenge?..."Not in our name" we begged. We were united in wanting to guard against racist and bigoted responses against Middle Eastern residents. We held candlelight vigils, teach-ins, rallies and 10,000 marched for peace along with tens of millions of others around the world.
On September 11th, 2011 we are calling on 100 organizations and hundreds more
of us to gather to solemnly mark the day and to learn the lessons resulting from 10 years of war.
If you came out to a rally for peace and justice in the last 10 years, we want you to pay tribute on September 11th, 2011. We believe this is one day the media will not ignore us! TV, radio and the print media will take stock of what the wars, the occupations and the worsening economic crisis of a war economy have done to us -- everything we predicted would occur, if the Bush administration tried to solve a political problem with "smart bombs" and crude politics.
Plan Peace with us -- Monday, Aug 8th at 7pm -
at Church of the Brethren
On August 8th, 2011 we call on all peace-loving organizations to send representatives. Individuals are also welcome. Together we will decide how to craft a very powerful, and visually provocative event to reach the hearts and minds of other San Diegans. With the leadership and participation of the
San Diego Veterans for Peace we are sure to have a potent impact.
Please spread the word and be sure not to miss this special meeting!
Yes, we will join the call and participate for Peace on September 11th, 2011
- Name: PEACE RESOURCE CENTER Email: prcsandiego@igc.org 619-263-9301
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _ACTIVIST SAN DIEGO__ _Martin@ActivistSanDiego.org__ 619-528-8383 __
comment: ____9/11 is a wonderful opportunity to take our "peace Economy" message to the public
- Name: _SD Vets for Peace___ Email: _ jan.ruhman@vetspeak.org_ Phone: _858-361-6273_
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: SD Coalition for Peace & Justice_ Email: _ bananashke@sbcglobal.net_ Phone: _________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: __ Guerro Azteca Peace Project Email: _fvsuarez2000@yahoo.com.mex__ Phone: ______________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _ Peace & Freedom Party____ Email: __mexpeace1@aol.com__ Phone: _____________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _ SD Community Radio Project __ Email: _kelly.asd.radio@gmail.com___ Phone: ______________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _ Green Party - San Diego_____ Email: _hmpeace@cox.net___ Phone: _____________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _-Freedom Road Socialist Organization_ Email: _activist@cox.net___ Phone: ___________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: _Plan of Action in a Changing Era Email: __________________ Phone: _____________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________ Email: _________________ Phone: ______________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________ Email: __________________ Phone: _____________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________ Email: _________________ Phone: ______________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________ Email: __________________ Phone: _____________
comment: ________________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________ Email: _________________ Phone: ______________
comment: ________________________________________________________
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