Thursday, December 22, 2011

[SDCPJ] Fw: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 12/23

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Raymond Lutz
Sent: Dec 22, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: [OccupySD] Occupy Update 12/23


Occupy Update!

Chris attempts to document arrests for no reason

Cop almost pulls Chris's head off
See entire frame-by-frame sequence of out-of-control rogue cops:
Occupy San Diego Dec 22 Arrests
Watch video

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.


  • Video of Raid and Arrests at Freedom Plaza. Three were arrested in this video. Andrew Fischer (AKA "Fish") was arrested at about 6am. One of them was choked and another was stomped on.
    • At 12:05am on December 22 a team of San Diego Police Department Officers march into the plaza and make three arrests. Alan, Chris, and Daniel, all protesters at Occupy San Diego. Chris was choked and Daniel was stomped on by the police in the video.
    • See more info here: Occupy San Diego Dec 22 Arrests, including a frame-by-frame analysis of out-of-control SDPD officers as they nearly rip Chris's head off. You have to see this to believe it.
    • Arrests were apparently for no reason. People congregating on the steps. No warning or reason provided as to why they were arrested.
    • The actions of the Police were ridiculous, unwarranted, unacceptable. No conversation by the police or requests for change of behavior. The people were arrested for NO REASON AT ALL.
    • The following from a Facebook post. Please take action.

The San Diego police have received several calls this morning regarding the arrests last night. I asked the lady who I spoke to, to please ask the Police chief to in the least put a truce to this. Please keep placing calls. 619-531-2777. You will get a live person.

I was having an interesting conversation and it's worth the call. Please try to be insistent and persuasive without getting angry at the person who is answering the phone. I did get the sense that she is hearing all of us who called as she had repeated points from other callers. Point out to them how this video makes people understand that the PD can no longer be trusted. Make them understand that the police now come across as a "terrywrist"s against first amendment rights. Tell them what peaceful, non-violent people Chris and Alan are. Tell them that they are damaging not only the cities reputation but also lining themselves up for an expensive lawsuit they can't fiscally afford. Tell them that you no longer feel confident in telling your kids to trust the PD in an emergency, and that you now fear them too. Remind them that Occupy has standing been up for workers rights and benefits (including the PD) and remind them how these viral videos and news reports are being seen by citizens all over the country. Those same citizens are now making hard decisions about what kind of benefits and pay their police and fire departments get and how this press is pushing people to no longer support their employment packages. Heck 0 you should see the number of police layoffs there have been in NJ alone.

Polite, persistent and reasoned - stay the course and call folks!!!

  • WITNESSES: Please take action. Anyone who views the video and is upset, take action:
    • Here is the complaint for for the Citizens Review Board of the SDPD:
    • Send complaint to: Executive Director, Citizens' Review Board on Police Practices, 202 C Street, MS 9A, San Diego, California 92101.
    • For more information, please call (619) 236-6296. Fax: (619) 236-7344

Upcoming Events

  • 17 Jan 2012 - Million tent protest in Washington D.C. -- OSD to travel to OD.C. to be part of the 1 million tent protest. Group to Greyhound out, have great group discussions, enjoy the fun, bring a tent, a smile and warm stuff. Time to show the Government that we are not the enemy, the N.D.A.A. bill is unconstitutional and the people demand the change we need to improve all of society, not just the top 1%. The 99% are coming to D.C. and you can too. Facebook Event
    • DONATE To help people travel from Occupy San Diego to Occupy D.C. -- Click Here
      This money will be used to help people that could not really afford to do this but have gone above and beyond normal participation. There are many 24/7 occupiers that really want to go but can not come up with funds for this, at least until the 1st of the year which will be to late. <== click here to see the rest of the report.

--  --------------------------------------- Raymond Lutz, National Coordinator Citizens OVersight Projects (COPS) A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization 771 Jamacha Rd. #148     El Cajon, CA 92019 USA Voice 619-820-5321 http// 

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