Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[SDCPJ] Fw: [OccupySD] Update for Dec. 6

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: "Packman, Jason"
Sent: Dec 6, 2011 12:32 AM
To: occupysd@citizensoversight.org
Subject: [OccupySD] Update for Dec. 6


Occupy Update!

  • http://www.copswiki.org/Common/OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Dec06 <== click here for Web Version of this page, for best viewing.
  • Occupy San Diego Email Blasts -- Archive of all Email Blasts
  • Occupy San Diego -- Main Occupy San Diego wiki project page
  • Detail pages: All Occupy San Diego MediaOccupy San Diego EventsAll Occupy San Diego Announcements
  • Occupy San Diego Calendar -- Month-at-a-glance calendar
  • DONATE HERE -- This is the only official donation page. Do not use other "scammer" sites! (Please Donate today!!!)
  • NEW -- Please use this email address when sending information or responding to this email blast: osd-feedback@citizensoversight.org 
    THIS IS A NEW PROCEDURE to allow multiple team members to be involved in creating the blast emails.
  • NEW If you have an event you want us to include, please use this submission form:http://www.copswiki.org/Occupy/SubmitEvent

Elvert Barnes?, on Flickr">01a.PeaceTree.Occupy.FreedomPlaza.WDC.5December2011

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is 
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers 
by a number of volunteers. 
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast 
should confirm all information from other sources. 


    • After a reduced police presence all weekend, the SDPD regrouped and once again raided Freedom Plaza in the early morning hours
    • Nine Occupiers Arrested
    • Fish -- out on bail and back at Freedom Plaza
    • Sarah -- Sarah identifies as a woman but has been put in the mens lockup. She was arrested early in the AM of 12/5/11 for illegal lodging while participating in the Occupy San Diego protest. Please share and contact Tracey Reardon Odman if you can help with bail. We are coordinating donations for her at the Civic Center now!https://www.facebook.com/tracey.odman
    • Claudia Acevedon -- arrested last night supposedly for illegal lodging. She is being held in ICE because of her immigration status.
    • More Information will be posted as received.
  • * OSD Freedom Square GA Changes consensed to on Sunday
    • The People's Mic will be used for Introductions to GA, Committee Announcements,
and Proposals. Individuals may opt out of using the People's Mic only for committee announcements.
    • From December 17th, GA's on Saturday will begin at 2pm.
  • Jury Trial for Randy Wolling, AKA "Sage" -- HUNG JURY.
    • Now awaiting DA's City Attorney decision on whether to retry the case all over again!
    • Sage was sitting on the sidewalk after the second raid. He is charged with impeding an officer, and illegal assembly.
    • He has been in jail since Oct 28, over a month due to two other previous charges outstanding: meditating on Blacks Beach and being on Blacks Beach before 6am.
    • The SD Sheriff Who's In Jail website lists his next court date as Dec. 6 at 1:30 pm
    • I can't believe they are wasting their time and money on this. No wonder our government is low on money.
    • Any more details would be appreciated
  • Hunger Strike -- John Kenney continues his hunger strike, now in day 25. He is requesting that the City come to the table and discuss the right of Occupy San Diego to conduct protests in the form of an encampment. John is now sick and I am starting to worry about his health.
    • John now has a wheelchair to help him get around, as at this point as he is feeling weak.
    • Join John and many of your fellow occupiers at the City Council meeting on Tuesday December 6 at 10 AM as we once again try to get Occupy San Diego on the agenda.
    • This will be the fifth time we try to have five members of the council to agree to just put on the agenda a resolution allowing us to occupy Freedom Square or another secured area. We also have four other proposed resolutions: on foreclosures, amendment to regulate & end "corporate personhood", getting money out of politics, and opposing the of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as recently passed by the Senate which would allow the military to detain US citizens arrested within the borders of the United States indefinitely.
    • Meet on Monday, December 5th at 4:30 PM to strategize how to best effectively use the three minute per item rule during non agenda comments.
  • Get the word out
    • We have several events that we need you to attend as well as help in promoting, including the Candlelight Vigil & Silent March for the Unemployed on December 8, the the West Coast Port Shutdown on December 12, and the Occupy SD benefit concert at The Ruby Room on December 14.
    • Tell your friends either in person, through tweeting a link on Twitter (remember to include #osd, #occupysandiego, and/or #occupysd), confirm you are attending on a Facebook event, reblog on Tumblr, or just print out some flyers and pass them out to your friends, loved-ones, acquaintances, as well as those who will soon fall into one of those categories once you give them a flyer.
    • See Occupy San Diego Events for more details of particular events

Despite what you might hear on the corporate-owned news:

  • The occupation continues, around the clock.
  • PLEASE COME DOWN when you can and help with numbers. This is your true vote. Stay at home = vote against 99%.
  • Tents and almost everything is now being restricted by the police.
  • Food is needed -- we no longer have a food table, so you'll have to play it by ear.
  • We will not be denied our constitutional right to assemble and speak!
  • Many Teach-ins on Sunday!

To update your mailing list preferences, including unsubscribing, go to this address:http://lists.citizensoversight.org/mailman/listinfo/occupysd

http://www.copswiki.org/Common/OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Dec06 <== click here to see the rest of the report.

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