Thursday, June 14, 2012

[SDCPJ] Fwd: [OccupySD] Occupy - 2012-06-14

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From: Chris West <>
Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:11 PM
Subject: [OccupySD] Occupy - 2012-06-14


Click to open the web-version of the report.:



But mark your calendars now for these!


14 Jun 2012 - Thu

  • (5p) De-Colonization Teach In by and at CanvassForACause, on the personal side of colonization, how it affects people of color on a personal day to day level. It will also teach how to be a better ally to the people of color community and struggle. FB Event page.

15 Jun 2012 - Fri

16 Jun 2012 - Sat

  • (9a) People 4 Social Sustainability (P.S.S.) At the City Heights Farmers Market (map) and interested volunteers will be distributing copies of Resource Based Economy Journal. Come join in with P.S.S. and help us get this important information out to the people. Resource Based Economy Journal is published by P.S.S. and talks about global sustainability and surpassing the monetary system to reach the type of society that will create abundance for all people.
  • (10a) "War on Women - Discussion" at the Serra Mesa/Kearny Mesa Branch Library - Details - Lunch afterwards close by.
  • (12:30p-2p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-In at Balboa Park at or near Redwood Circle - A facilitated discussion about the NEWLY LEAKED TPP Investor rights chapter. Let's educate ourselves and each other! - How TPP puts the interests of multinational corporations above those of working people and national governments" - the OSD Free Education Collective will introduce and facilitate this about the TPP, focused on how the currently known provisions of the TPP negotiations would privilege foreign investors ahead of working people and national governments. Bring plain shirt, banner, cardboard to stencil on some art for free!!! FB Event page.
  • (11a) Occupy City Heights at Fairmount & Wightman.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website
  • (2p) GA at or near RedwoodCircle, Balboa Park
  • (12:30p) Labor Solidarity Committee meets at Freedom Plaza
  • (2p) GA at Freedom Plaza

18 Jun 2012 - Mon

  • (9:30a-5p) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper, a legitimate medical marijuana patient who is unjustly being prosecuted by San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Today jury selection should take all day; supporters should come tomorrow to see the proceedings at Dept. 50 of the SanDiegoSuperiorCourt. FB Event
  • new time - (12p-3p) A working group has set up a meeting for organizing another highly participatory event in service to Occupy at Industrial Grind Coffee - much like the May 5th event, Occupy: Revisiting and Actualizing Our Core Purpose. To really make the planning flow, we'd really like to see people who can commit to a minimum of 8 hours of planning meetings. It is hard to make good decisions if there isn't significant continuity between meetings. Notes from the planning meetings will be posted both to the Facebook group and to the OSD website.
  • (5p-9p) NRC Public Hearing on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Safety at the San Juan Capistrano Community Center on their Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) findings. Event Details... Note: We should try to be there by 5 p.m.; meeting starts at 6 pm. At the last meeting like this, 150 energy company people signed up right away and our speakers didn't all get in because the comment time was used up. We need to get there early to sign up to speak as soon as we can and also to be outside with signs. Press Release
  • (6p) Del Mar City Council will have an agenda item on San Onofre at the Del Mar Communications Center. SoCal Edison will be there, those wanting San Onofre decommissioned have a chance to speak up on preventing a potentially deadly nuclear plant incident not far up the coast. (the worst case evacuation scenario involves evacuating 8,000,000 people within a 50 mile radius of the plant). FB Event page.
  • (6p-8p) Ocupemos el Barrio - Occupy the 'Hood meets Mondays at Sherman Heights Community Center

19 Jun 2012 - Tue

  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101

20 Jun 2012 - Wed

  • (5:45p) The PRC & Nonviolent Peaceforce invite you to a film: The Interrupters by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz. During just one weekend in 2008, 37 people were shot in Chicago, seven of them fatally. This film captures a period in Chicago when it became a national symbol for city violence and was besieged by high-profile incidents, most notably the brutal beating of Derrion Albert, a Chicago High School student, whose death was caught on videotape. At the PeaceResourceCenter.
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad
  • (7p) GA at Childrens Park
  • (4p) OB Farmers Market on Newport Avenue in Ocean Beach.

21 Jun 2012 - Thu

23 Jun 2012 - Sat

  • (7p-9:30p) Movie: Black Power Mixtape Location TBD in City Heights. The film examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in the black community and Diaspora from 1967 to 1975. The film combines music, startling 16mm footage and contemporary audio interviews from leading African-American artists, activists, musicians and scholars. Check FB Event page for location and updates.
  • (11a) Occupy City Heights at Fairmount & Wightman.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website
  • (2p) GA at or near RedwoodCircle, Balboa Park
  • (12:30p) Labor Solidarity Committee meets at Freedom Plaza
  • (2p) GA at Freedom Plaza


Saturday, 2012-06-30

Saturday, 2012-07-14 <== click here to see the rest of the report.

  • This includes a section on the upcoming TPP meeting in San Diego


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