Tuesday, June 19, 2012

[SDCPJ] KNSJ Community Radio Meeting on Thursday, June 21st (See the commitment list)

NOTE: If you came to the last meeting - see the commitments that you made at the last meeting and report back on your progress.

Media Justice Activists -You are invited to the

SD Community Radio Proj. Meeting

How can we Occupy the Radio waves?

Find out what's going on a  www.ActivistSanDiego.org   


Come Imagine this new KNSJ-FM Community Radio.

We have the FCC License for our new station!

 With your help... This is What Democracy Will Sound Like.




Thurs. June 21st at 7 PM

 Activist Center - 4246 Wightman St (in back) - 1 Bl. s. of Univ Ave on Van Dyke 

The San Diego Community Radio Project will share the news about Activist San Diego 's in-the-works, full-power FM station and INTERNET RADIO. The signal will transmit out of Descanso, with a parallel Internet radio stream and studios based in City Heights. ASD is a 12-year-old 501c3 with a rock-solid mission of networking for social justice.

We are tired of corporate misinformation and monopolized media. We were heartbroken with the loss of KLSD; we had hopes with Liberty One; Is San Diego County ready for this NCE (non-commercial, educational, listener- supported) endeavor lead by progressives? You can help make it happen. creating a commons!

Each One, Teach One; Pass the Microphone; Pay It Forward

For info:  Martin 619-891-9354  Martin@ActivistSanDiego.org  ActivistSanDiego.org   


Action Summary:


·        Mark Conlin has given KNSJ 8 hours of programming.

·       The sound studio to be built, but needs finishing work.

·        Charles has become the official Treasurer for ASD Radio and will report back.

·        Floyd, Leon and Martin have met with Heartland Coalition looking for a partnership grant from the Coalition as a founding member.
Kelly Barnes and Miriam Clark together donated $1500 to KNSJ.  This is wonderful and our appreciation for all they have done for the radio project will continue to have a lasting impact.

·       A draft of official letterhead was presented and alternative logo ideas were presented.

·        Members present made commitments for the next month... (See below)

·        ASD has approved the lease of the building at the tower site on Monument Peak.

  •  New people are contacting KNSJ almost every day... we need volunteers to help coordinate the energy that is out there.  Please step forward.


Commitment Summary:


·        Floyd will make a list of potential donors and setting up meetings with the potential donors.

·        Mark will continue creating content, contact the Media Arts Center and work on data entry during his regular ASD office hours.

·        Charles offered to do bookkeeping and data entry.

·        Leon will contact Qualcomm re; equipment donation.
Leon will work with the Native tribes & compile a list of potential sponsors in the Descanso/Alpine area.

·        Larry wants to build a KNSJ advisory board: Please suggest or make nominations. Will get letters of support from famous activists too.

·        Efren will spread the word and work on a new logo.

·        Eva will listen to other new FM radios and start working on a community survey.

·        Ray will also contact Grossmont/Cuyamaca College for interns and the college district covering Escondido.

·        Jorge announced the “No War, No Warming” program of Grassroots Global Justice and said he would be creating content at the upcoming Rio conference he's attending for both live streaming and recorded broadcasting. He will also contact Ethan van Thillo of the Media Arts Center about setting up trainings for content producers. Anne wants to work on this as well, along with Fungi.

·      Mike will write down a structure for training in audio editing and will also produce content for the station. He mentioned San Diego City College as another potential source of volunteers/interns once they're back in session in the fall.

·        Michael "Funguy" Moody will set up a new computer for streaming from the ASD office.
Ray also urged content producers to submit to Air Progressive so they can get their content streamed online immediately.

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