Friday, July 13, 2012

[SDCPJ] FWD: Diablo Canyon Relicensing Requires Seismic Blasts That Will Injure Whales & Other Sea Creatures

FWD: Diablo Canyon Relicensing Requires Seismic Blasts That Will
Injure Whales & Other Sea Creatures
[It looks like at least some of those sonic blasts might be linked to
relicensing CA's *other* NPP--- the one not yet in (public) trouble.]

From: Joey Racano <>
List-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 15:36:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SaveLosOsos] Seismic testing/State Marine Reserve Special
Report [1 Attachment]

Seismic testing/State Marine Reserve Special Report

The Secretary of Resources of the State of California (John Laird)
was very kind and allowed me a meeting with top people from state
government. As an activist, I feel very blessed to be involved with
the Marine Life Protection Act (which created a series of marine
protected areas up and down our coast). You see, nobody's ever done
this before, nothing like this has ever been tried. So nobody can
look down their nose at you and tell you you're doing it wrong. Or
right. What we're doing is being done for the very first time, and
all that old stuff, the old ways of doing things- well, it just
didn't work. So now it's OUR turn to try! And like I've been saying,
the very first two State Marine Reserves are already under viscious attack!

The drive to Sacramento was well worth it! So far, it comes down to
this: PG&E aren't just planning to do the seismic testing on their
own; they have been mandated to do it by the legislature in order to
get their re-lisencing! At this point in time, it turns out that the
Central Coast Waterboard erroneously gave Morro Bay Harbor Department
permission to dredge adjacent to the State Marine Reserve in Morro
Bay Estuary perhaps, I guess, because they didn't know they were
already signatories to a Memorandum of Understanding between many
state and federal regulatory agencies to work together to implement
the Marine Life Protection Act, and protect State Marine Reserves
like the one whose death warrant they just signed!

And, one thing leading to another, the very next State Marine Reserve
on the list, the Point Buchon State Marine reserve, is in very real
danger of having all life within it -including Great Blue Whales-
killed with 260 decibel seismic blasts, every 63 seconds around the
clock for 40 days and 40 nights.

40 days and 40 nights; remind you of anything?

Anyway, I've created the FB page:

Stop the Diablo Canyon Seismic Testing

...and I urge you to join and share and urge your friends to join. My
plan is to stop the testing by stopping people from playing fast and
loose with our new network of Marine Reserves! We have great
activists out here, some excellent people in key government
positions, and we can win for the whales- by making an even louder
noise than any seismic testing!

Stay tuned for more, the party just started!

love and respect,

joey racano

ps- thanx to the folks in Sacramento for really caring, listening and helping!

photo L-R Sonke Mastrup (F&G Comm) Mellisa Miller-Henson, Cat Kuhlman
(Deputy Sec for Oceans and Coast), Ken Wiseman (Exec Drctr, MLPA)

Joey Racano: 'Weapon of mass discussion'


At 11:05 AM 7/6/2012, Julie Levine wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lyndia Storey" <>
Date: July 6, 2012 7:54:32 AM PDT
To: "Julie Levine" <>
Subject: Navy to kill 1,800 whales and dolphins? And deafen 15,900 more?

Below is an email from Lyndia Storey, a MoveOn member from Lompico,
California, who created a petition on that's growing
rapidly. If you have concerns or feedback about this petition, click here.



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