Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[SDCPJ] Fwd: SanDiego350.org Updates and News - July 2012

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July 2012
Dear Carol,

Welcome to SanDiego350.org's July e-mail newsletter. We hope to see you at upcoming climate events and actions in San Diego. To volunteer contact volunteer@SanDiego350.org.

Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Join us for our next monthly meeting of SanDiego350.org for updates and discussion on projects and actions. This is a great way to meet other climate activists and get involved!
6:45-8:15 pm at the First United Methodist Church of San Diego, Linder Hall Room 5, 2111 Camino del Rio, San Diego, CA 92108 (google map). 

SD350 Joins Effort to Oppose New Power Plant by Mission Trails Park
Cogentrix, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, has proposed to build the Quail Brush Power Plant, a 100 MW gas-fired power plant just across the 52 from Mission Trails Park. This plant is unnecessary; to address climate change we need future power to come from renewable sources - not more fossil fuel power plants. We are partnering with the Sierra Club Run with the Sun campaign and community organizations to fight the proposed plant. To help contact Pete.

Help Us End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
SanDiego350.org has joined the 350.org campaign to end subsidies for fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas), estimated at $113 Billion over the next decade. We'll be arranging to meet with our local Congressional representatives and asking them to take a stand on ending these unnecessary subsidies as a good first step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To help contact Masada.

SD350 supporting nonprofit alternative to SDG&E

The nonprofit San Diego Energy District Foundation is working to offer San Diegans greener energy by bringing a new way of supplying electricity under California's Community Choice Aggregation legislation. This will provide customers with opportunities for affordability, competition, and environmental responsibility (in particular, energy that produces fewer GHG emissions) . Similar programs are running successfully in five states. To help contact Lane or see SDED's website.

Climate change is a hoax admits 350.org's Bill McKibben (Daily Beast).

Rise in sea level can't be stopped even if emissions cuts lower global average temperatures, but it can be slowed (Nature Study).

Mexico enacts climate law, is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050 (BBC Story).

Media avoid climate in wildfire coverage
Only 3% of news stories on wildfires in the West explain the relationship between climate change and wildfires (Media Matters).

Global sea-level rise will hit California hard
Sea level rise will hit California's coastline harder than other West Coast states in coming decades (National Research Council report).
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San Diego, California 92101

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