2012-08-05..09 Las Vegas NV: Anti-Nuke actions
Nevada Desert Experience - August Desert Witness PEACE Events
Public Event · By Mary Lou Anderson
Sunday, August 5, 2012 [2012-08-05..09 actually]
Multiple Locations - SEE INFO!
August 5 Book Signing: Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control
with Author and Activist Medea Benjamin,
co-Founder of the organization CODEPINK: Women for Peace
Sunday August 5
2:00 to 4:00 pm
EMERGENCY ARTS, 520 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Come hear Medea Benjamin read from her new book,
Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control. This is
an excellent conversation starter and
well-rounded introduction to the subject.
Benjamin is great at connecting the dots, raising
ethical questions and speaking passionately. The
Beat Cafe will be open, and the event will be in
the Common Gallery on the first floor.
August 6 to 9
Protests Against the Largest Drone Convention in the World
AUVSI Meets at Mandalay Bay Convention Center
8000 People from 40 Countries
If you want to help be a fly in the ointment of
this new killing machine's smooth running, check
in with NDE as plans develop further with other allies.
August 9
Anti-Test at the Mercury Entrance to the
Nevada Test Site (Nevada National Security Site)
6:30 to 8:00 am (Before it gets really hot!)...
And then in Las Vegas
Educational Picket at the National Atomic Testing Museum
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Greet visitors to this museum that is devoted to
remembering the Cold War in all its nuclear
glory...and not much of the horror. We will
informally supplement the discourse and remind
people of the ongoing fallout from the use of the
atomic bomb in 1945 as we memorialize the victims in Nagasaki (and Hiroshima).
For other actions around the southwest and as
part of the move to "un-Occupy the Nuclear
Weapons Complex, visit NukeFreeNow.org
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