Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[SDCPJ] Peace Garden updates & special dates to remember

NOTE:  The Peace Garden is located on the campus shared by the Peace Resource Center, First Church of the Brethren, American Friends Service Committee--U.S./Mexico Border Project and the San Diego Quaker Meeting, 

All events listed below will take place at 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105.

Hi everyone-

First, we have 2 special dates coming up.

This Thursday, Nov. 1st, we are having a movie night and potluck, co-hosted by the Peace Resource Center and SD Food Not Lawns.  We will show "Food Mythbusters: The real story about what we eat".  Also, come find out about food justice and Prop 37.  We will potluck at 5:30 and start movie at 7:00.  Don't worry if you can't bring food, you are always welcome.  We will have plenty of food.  Children are also welcome and its free!

Saturday, Nov. 10th is our garden building day!  Yahooooo - we can't wait to get growing!  But we need YOU!  We will start at 9:00 and keep at it until noon or beyond.  Don't worry, we will have plenty of snacks and we'll break for a potluck lunch.  There will be lots of opportunity to learn how to make garden beds and discuss plans for the garden, but most importantly this will be a fun day of labor and camaraderie.  The following tools would be helpful if you have them: wheel barrow, cordless drill with bits & screw driver, staple gun, level, wire nips, spades.  You may want to bring gloves, water and sun protection.  You are also invited to bring flowering shrubby or herbaceous potted perennials if you have them, such as sages, rosemary, milkweeds, yarrow, mallow, etc.

Other updates:
We have work days every Wednesday morning 9 -11 and every second Saturday 9-12.  Please join us.  The 'hugel culture' mound is doing great with squash, sunflowers and pumpkins.  The pineapple guavas are starting up.  It will be so exciting to start planting other beds after our work day on the 10th.  We will be gearing up for some work shops soon (stay tuned for details on an irrigation work shop) and planting LOTS of kale for our Kale Festival in February.  More on that soon.  We are still looking for bed sponsors at $200, or partial bed sponsors.  A sponsorship is simply the money to cover the cost of building the garden, but you get your name, or organization's name, on the bed for the first year.  Finally, we are looking for growers to rent the garden beds after our work day on the 10th.  Please get in touch with me about any of these things:

See you in the garden or at our movie night!


Beth Townsend
Garden Coordinator

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