Wednesday, March 20, 2013

[SDCPJ] Former chair of Fukushima investigation commission to speak at UCLA, March 22

Sorry for late notice; I just received this. 

--- On Thu, 21/3/13, Cultural News <> wrote:

From: Cultural News <>
Subject: Former chair of Fukushima investigation commission to speak at UCLA, March 22

Date: Thursday, 21 March, 2013, 1:57 AM


Cultural News Email Update  



Former chair of Japan's Fukushima investigation commission to speak at UCLA, March 22, 2:30 pm 

UCLA Moving Forward Dr Kurokawa left
Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, left, former chair of the Independent Investigation Commission on Fukushima Nuclear Accident.


In 2011, the UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies presented an exhibition documenting the lives and stories of those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.


This year marks the second anniversary of this catastrophic disaster and UCLA hosts a two-part colloquium presented by former chair of Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident investigation commission and an architect who is UCLA professor and former professor of Tohoku University.


This event is supported by the Japan Foundation.


Moving Forward: Life after the Great East Japan Earthquake Colloquia Series


March 22, 2:30 - 6:00 pm

Royce Hall 306 at UCLA


Global Agenda in Post Fukushima

2:30 - 3:30 pm

Presented by Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Academic Fellow of National Graduate Research Institute for Policy Science & Professor Emeritus of University of Tokyo


Dr. Kurokawa was appointed as chair of the Independent Investigation Commission on Fukushima Nuclear Accident by the National Diet of Japan.


Reconstruction Efforts of Japanese Architects

4:00 - 5:00 pm

Presented by Prof. Hitoshi Abe, UCLA Terasaki Center Director, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design Chair, Atelier Hitoshi Abe Principal


Reception (food and drink will be served)

5:00 - 6:00 pm


Parking and Directions

Parking Lot 5 - $11 CASH ONLY / $4 Handicapped ---- From Sunset Blvd., enter north campus at Royce Dr. (between Westwood Plaza and Hilgard Ave.). Proceed straight to Parking Structure 5. Handicapped Accessible parking spaces are located on level 4 of this parking structure.


Parking Lot 4 - $11 / $4 Handicapped --- From Sunset Blvd., enter north campus at Westwood Plaza and proceed straight to the underground parking structure. Lot 4 accepts cash and credit cards. This is the only lot that will accept credit card payments within the proximity of Royce Hall.


Japanese American community loses its leader and philanthropist who funded its cause  Read the front page article at the March 2013 issue of Cultural News. www.culturalnews/subscription  

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Deadline of article and advertisement of the April issue is Monday, March 25. The April issue will be published on April 1.

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