Sunday, July 28, 2013

We Will Not Allow This

It saddens me to see this world where it is ok for 32,000 children to die everyday from preventable diseases.

It is a world where profits are more valuable than people, our families, our environment.

I know that it does not have to be that way. We are controlled by a small number of people, the equivalent of a passenger jet full, control us all.

Their greed, lack of compassion, tyranny, and evil MUST be checked. WE can do this by uniting and through non-violent means, achieve a more just, caring, loving world.

We are not going to allow them to deny us medial treatment just because of money.

We are not going to allow them to continue spending our treasure on war while our streets, bridges and schools fall into disrepair.

We are not going to allow them to continue to warehouse us in prisons and fake genuine justice. 

We are going to stop the war on drugs and the war on the American people.

We are going to hold the judicial and legislative branches of government responsible for their constant quest for money and power when they were put into office to SERVE us, not victimize us.

We are going to take power back from corporations and MAKE them realize that our COMMUNITIES ARE more important than  profit. 

We are not going to allow poverty in a world where there is plenty for all.

We are not going to allow pollution of our plant and food supply.

We are not going to allow the petroleum industry to block the development of clean energy sources.

We are not going to allow human rights to be rolled back to even more uncivilized times.

We demand justice, we demand accountability.

We demand the establishment of a Department of Love and Peace to have more power than a department of war.

We demand that America become a responsible world citizen instead of an extension of a tyrannical empire.

We demand ETHICAL behavior.

We demand the separation of church and state...corporation and state.

We demand peace with Syria, and The Middle more war!

We demand equal treatment for Women, Men, Gay People and all races.

We demand the right for a woman to chose and actions to help assuage the need for women to get abortions.

We demand a war against poverty.

We demand that every working person be paid a living wage.

We demand and end to subsidies to large corporations.

We demand the end of the revolving door between government overseers and corporations.

We demand a just, true, compassionate government that understands its responsibility to protect its people.

Do any of you have the courage to join us in the fight?

We will win this fight.

We have launched a public information campaign to inform the public and monitor the acts of our officials.

We are planning non-violent actions that have worked in the past such as boycotts, buycotts and unity.

Help me help you.

Do not give up. I am committed to fair, hard hitting actions and the development of leadership that reflects compassion, love and intolerance for injustice.

Walter Davis
Global Inequality

Wealth Distribution in America

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this a a good, comprehensive list of how society ought to look. We severely lack leaders with ethics.

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