This Sunday...
Sunday, January 26, 10:30 am
A Brief History of Humanism
plus muffins and HFSD elections
See-Scan (follow signs for visitors)
3855 Ruffin Road, San Diego
Learn about the development of humanism from from the time of the ancient Greek philosophers through its decline in Europe during the Dark Ages until the Renaissance followed by the Enlightenment... Please rsvp so we can buy enough muffins! More
Saturday, February 8, 8:00 am to Noon
Habitat Restoration - Mission Trails Regional Park - Humanity on Call
Join "Humanity on Call" partners to make this world - the only world we know of, a better place.
Assist park rangers with exotic plant eradication, habitat protection, and re-vegetation projects. For details visit our website here
Tuesday, February 11, 6:00 pm
Feeding San Diego
with Humanity on Call
Distribution Warehouse
9455 Waples Street #135, San Diego
Volunteers help with a variety of projects, all focused around sorting, cleaning, bagging, and boxing food before it is distributed to hungry families throughout our community. This is an excellent opportunity for family participation and a gateway to mentoring your children in the Humanist tradition. Volunteers must register... More
Wednesday, February 12, 7:00 pm
Dan Barker Debates Catholic Apologist
(and they have a lot to apologize for!)
University of San Diego
God: Supreme Being or
Imaginary Friend?
Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, will be debating local Catholic apologist Trent Horn from Catholic Answers. Admission is free. More
We'd love to have you as a member!
The Humanist Fellowship of San Diego is dedicated to advancing the principles and values of Humanism, and encouraging a reliance on rational thinking rather than superstitious dogma. The generous contributions of our donors and volunteers help us to meet the intellectual and social needs of our members, and insure that Humanism has an active presence in the San Diego community.
Throughout the year the Fellowship offers lectures and discussions, a monthly book club, films, picnics, holiday celebrations, an active presence on Facebook, Twitter and Meetup, and outreach to underserved populations including seniors and children. Our board members provide active leadership within the San Diego freethought community and at secular events such as Earth Fair, Pride Parade, Light the Night Walk, State Chapter of the Secular Coalition for America, Secular Outreach in Balboa Park, and the American Humanist Association Conference. See Events
If you have already responded to our request to join or donate to the Fellowship, thank you! If not, please consider joining or renewing your membership today. All contributions to HFSD are tax deductible, and you are welcome to earmark your donation for a particular purpose.
JOIN or DONATE ONLINE $30 Individual, $40 Family, $20 Student/Military/Fixed Income, $500 Lifetime, $60 Business Membership (listing on our website)
HFSD President
Member, Board of Directors
American Humanist Association
We'd love to have you as a member of the Humanist Fellowship
HFSD depends entirely upon volunteers and member contributions.
All dues and donations to HFSD are tax deductible.
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