Thursday, July 31, 2014

[SDCPJ] Fw: Rally in Support for Gaza

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:35 PM, Patricia Gracian <> wrote:

Friday, August 1, 2014
4 PM - 7 PM
880 Front Street, San Diego 92101
In Front of Federal Building

The recent Israeli attacks on Gaza by air, sea and land have resulted in the deaths of over 1200 Palestinians with over 6500 injured. Nevertheless, Israel continues with its criminal strategy of ethnic cleansing and colonization of all of Palestine. Unfortunately, US mainstream media have been complacent in covering up for the Israeli war crimes. 

Israel has targeted hospitals, ambulances, medical workers, UNHRC schools and refugee
shelters filled with innocent and injured men, women, and children, with impunity. In addition Israel has also destroyed what was left of Gaza's power supply, water treatment,
TV and communication centers. Israel has turned roads, buildings, and hundreds of houses
into rubble, burying unfortunate civilians inside the rubble. THIS is Collective Punishment
for the deaths of 3 Israelis- whose deaths have never been proven to have been carried out by any Palestinian people- and which should have been handled by the courts, not by
collective punishment.

Norwegian Physician Treating Wounded Civilians: Stop the...
Dr. Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor, joins us from Gaza where he has been treating hundreds of victims wounded in Israel's ongoing assault, including young childre...
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Everyone welcome to come. Help to show outrage against the wanton violence, and
support for victims.

Stop The Carnage Now!

A Fourth San Diego demonstration will be held this

Friday, August 1, 2014
4 PM - 7 PM
880 Front Street, San Diego 92101
In Front of Federal Building

This demonstration is being called by Al-Awda San Diego, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition. We will march from the federal building to the NBC building in San Diego at 5. 

Other organizations so far taking part in protests for Gaza Palestine include: American Islamic Foundation, Palestinian Youth Movement San Diego, International Action Center San Diego, ANSWER Coalition San Diego, San Diego International Socialist Organization, Karama, Students for Justice in Palestine at SDSU, Students for Justice in Palestine at UCSD, Collectivo Zapatista, P.A.W.A San Diego, AnakBayan San Diego, Af3irm San Diego, Unión del Barrio-San Diego, Kabataang maka Bayan Kmb Propeopleyouth SanDiego , United Against Police Terror San Diego, BDS San Diego and the San Diego Coalition For Peace an Justice. 

Organizations wishing to take part in the protest this Friday at the Federal building starting 4 PM email

Petitions you can sign:
Sign the petition: Tell @WhiteHouse & @JohnKerry: End...
I just signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama: The Obama Administration and Congres...
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Benjamin Netanyahu: Jews Say: End the War on Gaza — ...
Jews Say: End the War on Gaza — No Aid to Apartheid Israel! Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014  On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society...
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Non-substantiated cause for assault of Gaza:

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