Friday, November 28, 2014

Wetiko: The Illness of Greed

One of the words that needs to be in our vocabulary is the Cree word Wetiko.

This was their word to describe people who “ate themselves”, meaning, people who took advantage of others due to greed.

Christopher Columbus was described as having Wetiko.

The Cree believed it to be a psychological disorder of Europeans that invaded their lands and murdered them AFTER they helped them survive.

 It is Wetiko that allows Walmart family owners to be happy when they are worth more than 79% of all the black people in the United States, while the pay low wages to workers.

It is Wetiko that allows Zionists to steal the land of Palestinians while labeling those who speak out against them as anti semitic.

Wetiko allows 300 people to be worth more than all the rest of the people on this planet combined….and think it is ok….while most live on $2 per day.

Wetiko allows the criminal injustice system to deliver justice on the basis of how much one can pay.

Wetiko allows colonization, apartheid, slavery…unequal pay.

Wetiko allows our congressional representatives to obtain our votes then, to work for corporations that pay the highest bid.

Wetiko allows many of us to allow children to live on the street with their parents as we sit comfortably at our Thanksgiving tables with plenty, without a care for others.

Wetiko allows us to spend 66% of our treasure on war and stealing the freedom and resources of others.

Wetiko normalizes the abuse of elderly people, the cut back of their benefits and a total disregard for their great contributions to our society over a lifetime.

Wetiko has allowed banksters to steal our homes, our equity our financial futures…over and over again.

Wetiko has resulted in the establishment of The Federal Reserve, the development of a Fiat economy…where banksters make money up out of thin air, make it scarce, and charge interest for loaning it.

Wetiko has allowed GM and Firestone to destroy the mass transit infrastructure of Los Angeles by cementing the subway closed (larger than New Yorks at its peak), so the more of us would drive cars.

Wetiko has allowed the destruction of the affordable electric car and its batteries in favor of dirty, fossil burning cars.

Wetiko allows this country to steal the minerals of Afghanistan in the guise of spreading democracy or chasing Taliban.

Wetiko is what threatens the social security system and has bankers salivating over getting their hands on our hard earned money…so they make take it and squander it.

Wetiko has allowed many corrupt politicians to redistrict maps, to falsely invalidate voters and to turn them away as the voting polls.

Wetiko has Americans fighting themselves over TVs, toys and other things on Black Friday….while padding the pockets of greedy corporate retailers.

Wetiko…know it, read about it, discuss it….stop it.

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