Monday, January 12, 2015

[SDCPJ] Fwd: RSVP Space Limited Jan. 12th Event: Moving CA To a Frack-Free Future; Feb. 7 bus to Oakland Rally

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The SD350 Fracking Team has two big events that are coming up soon that we thought you should know about. One is next week and is part of the promotion for the second bigger event, the "March for REAL Climate Leadership" in Oakland on Feb. 7th.
The first event, "Moving California to a Frack-Free Future" is next Monday, Jan 12 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the King-Chavez Charter High School downtown San Diego (1010 2nd Ave., #200). This is the first stop on the "California Crossroads Tour" that is moving up the state next week, starting here in San Diego. Our goal is to continue our efforts to educate San Diegans on extreme extractive energy techniques and projects that do in fact impact San Diegans. 
A panel of speakers including Jose Bravo from Just Transitions, Martha Rocha Diaz, a Tijuana Activist, Joy Williams from EHC, Micah Mitrosky from IBEW and Luis Favela, a student from the school who attended our oil field tour in December, and others will present various perspectives on the impact of fossil fuel burning and fracking in particular in California, some new developments in the energy domain taking place just across the border, the climate change connection and environmental justice issues and solutions for moving forward to a frack-free future.
David Braun from Americans Against Fracking, who helped secure the NY State ban on fracking a few weeks ago, and Ash Lauth from the Center for Biological Diversity will also talk about how we can mobilize hundreds of San Diegans to join thousands of Californians in Oakland on February 7th at the "March for REAL Climate Leadership" to bring this same message to Governor Brown. SanDiego350 is chartering buses similar to what we did for the last rally in Sacramento, and we hope you will join us on the ride to Oakland in February.
Since space is limited for the Jan. 12th event we are asking all interested parties to RSVP here:
For anyone interested in signing up to join us on the bus to the Oakland rally on Feb. 7th, tickets for $30 can be purchased here:
Thank you for your time and partnership in our climate fight!

Peg Mitchell

Can't come to an event but want to support our work?
Please consider making a donation to SanDiego350.

Please visit our website & check us out on facebooktwitter, & google+ to stay in touch! Email us to find a carpool to an event, or with any questions. See you soon!

The SanDiego350 "San Diegans Against Fracking" Team

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