Monday, February 9, 2015

We Have a Chance

While watching Black Sails TV series last night, I realized that in 1709, brutal forms of slavery had been in place in America for 100 years already.

Native Americans had been brutalized by colonists for more than 200 years at this point.

Blacks had already been in the Americas for 27,000 years at this point with well established trade routes.

Yet to come, were the brutal genocides of The Middle Passage, Native wars.

The brutal central banking system in England had been  transported to America.

Yet to come were the financial collapses, stealing of land, homes livelihoods in a system that continues to this day, robbing millions of American families as was done in 2008.

False flag attacks in the guise of wars for democracy were still to come. The betrayal of the Ottoman empire during WWI was on the horizon.

Brutal economic giants rose from the ashes of hope...hope of a land that was truly free. Slavery, murder, genocide, greed, dishonest treaties...became the law of this land...while poetic lies rippled through our text books.

Freedom from and of religion ...separation of the church and state ...lies of the future ...withered on the vine as brutal systems of bread and circuses developed...morphing into a Kardashian, Dancing With the Stars, baggy pants oriented society. A society where arrogant bruts bully the world with the idea that their religion, their form of government is the right one...and ancient societies had it all wrong.

In spite of it all...brilliant technologies emerged...because scientists are not afraid to be proven wrong.

Yet, a large percentage of the population, continues to embrace mystic superstition and the guise of civilization and love.

The murder of the Africans...the murder of the Natives...the murder of the Latinos...the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Mayas, Incas, Black Feet, Dakota, Oklahoma, continued in those who claimed civility and love...while they practiced violence, punishment, greed....force....imprisonment...Jim Crow.

The history, being rewritten. The ignorant in the dark. The simple placated by alcohol, sports, sex, other supply ...poisoned with high fructose corn syrup, bromide and aspartame.

The empire expanded...with a facade of honor, and freedom, the jack booted thugs continue to bully.....and wound the world as irresponsible world citizens...not even aware of how the rest of the world looks at the ignorant cowboy nation....unaware of the abattoir set in to motion.

While verbalizing freedom, the reality is slavery, Israeli Apartheid, South African Apartheid, Jim Crow, genocide, drug war against citizens, Mccarthyism, Kill the Black Panthers...but leave the KKK....point the finger at Hitler...while celebrating Columbus about holocaust...while ignoring Weitiko, ...because we are the land of the free...the land of the brave....

We have a chance....we have to take an honest look at the past...

We must right wrongs......

We must demonstrate compassion...not just talk of it....

We must practice love...not just talk of it at Christmas time.....

We must be our brother's keeper.....

We must love each other's kids...

We must respect each others lives.....

We must love our communities....

We must understand..that there is more than just Democracy, Communism or Socialism. ..or capitalism.

There are other solutions......

We have to think outside of the box...once we take a good look at what the box is. 

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