Friday, March 20, 2015

Re: [SDCPJ] Speaker Series "Pathways to Racial Justice"

UPDATE: Change of date for PRC -- now will be Sun. March 29th. Talk/discussion will introduce the organization and our current work, including Mariah's recent attendance at the White Privilege conference.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 2:51 PM, PRC SD Info <> wrote:
This looks to be an interesting list of speakers hosted by one of our partner organizations here on the peace campus.

Oh, and look! You probably know some of the people!

For example: Mariah, PRC Executive Director
& Allen McAfee for AVP (and he's also on the PRC Board)


The Faith in Action Team of San Diego Church of the Brethren Speaker Series:

Pathways to Racial Justice: Peacemaking through Tension
Sundays 9-10 am 
from March 1 through May 17, 2015

@ The Peace Campus
inside Church of the Brethren Sanctuary
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego CA 92111

After studying Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, members and friends of the local Church of the Brethren, a faith community living out its peace witness, are determined to:

   * Educate ourselves to break through the "colorblind" mentality and fearlessly explore the reality of racial-justice issues
   * Support Efforts to address racial justice issues in our community
   * Investigate Avenues for Action we can support in San Diego region & beyond
   * Take Action towards breaking racial injustice and alleviating the very real impact of racial injustice on very real lives.

All are welcome to join us on our journey!

SPEAKERS  (Subject to change; please contact church office)
* March 1: Arlene Smith, Village of Promise:  "collective mentoring" for children of incarcerated parents
* March 8 Justine Darling, Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice in the SD Unified School District as alternatives to suspensions / expulsions
*  March 15 Debby Park, NonViolent PeaceForce: works internationally to protect rights and lives using nonviolent strategies
* March 22 Allen McAfee, Alternatives to Violence: an on-going program to teach inmates in Donovan Prison
* March 29 (Palm Sunday) Faith in Action Team presentation
* April 5 (Easter Sunday) Faith in Action Team Presentation
* April 12 Clovis Honore, Community Organizer, President of Black Health Associates, and Executive Director of San Diego Area Congregations for Change
* April 19 TBD
* April 26 Dante Dauz, UPAC (Union of Pan Asian Communities: Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services) prevention and intervention programs for at-risk youth, counseling for parents, etc.
* May 3 Mariah Gayler, Exec. Dir., Peace Resource Center of San Diego
* May 10 Martin Moreno, Mid-City CAN: Restorative Pipeline to Success Momentum Team, working with City Heights youth and community
* May 17 Review and wrap-up: What now?

For more info, contact the Brethren office

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