Wednesday, April 15, 2015

[SDCPJ] Please Forward >> LISTEN and Call in LIVE ! -, April 15, 2015 Day of Action Broadcast 2-6 PM, "Fight for $15" to be covered live by Community Radio KNSJ

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LISTEN LIVE ! Call in LIVE! at 619-528-8383 to be on the air!
April 15, 2015 Day of Action Broadcast 2-6 PM
"Fight for $15" to be covered live by Community Radio KNSJ

Download the TuneIn Radio app or iTunes on your smart phones ... to Listen in and follow!

NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE in San Diego you can follow and be involved in the "Fight for $15" -- the national Day of action to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. TuneIn app or Catch the Stream on!

San Diego is one of 200 cities with day-long mobilizations. In San Diego fast food workers will be striking for higher wages and the right to unionization. Students will be mobilizing for union rights and $15 an hour for campus jobs and Adjunct college teachers will join them to rally for equitable wages.

San Diego's Community Radio KNSJ 89.1 FM is taking the unparalleled step of providing four hours of on-location broadcast coverage as the events unfold from 2 to 6 PM. The daylong event in San Diego is one of the most ambitious mobilizations by labor unions in recent memory. A series of buses will take workers and supporters from location to location, from fast food restaurants, to city college, to support of domestic workers, to community rally in City Heights and end the day at San Diego State University with a final assembly for higher wages and union representation on campus.

Interactive Participation LIVE:

"The intent is not to have the radio substitute for participation in this unprecedented campaign"... stated Martin Eder, Interim General Manager of KNSJ..." but rather to give news context and information as the events unfold for those people unable to be there physically".

Volunteer driven KNSJ will follow the events on Wednesday afternoon as the actions bare down on City Heights then board the buses on their way to the grand finale at SDSU. Four hours of live programming on location for a news event or labor event is virtually unknown in the broadcast industry, especially in San Diego. KNSJ believes that the national and local campaigns are of such significance that thousands of people will potentially interested in listening in -- until such time as they can get off work to participate in the streets.

TuneIn and get involved;

For those unable to listen in to KNSJ's terrestrial signal at 89.1 FM, listeners will be able to login through the Internet to or use the TuneIn Radio app or iTunes on their smart phones. Listeners across the county will be encouraged to download the TuneIn Radio app, to listen to the live coverage and a call in to 619-528- 8383 to add their commentary on the air. "Several KNSJ volunteer technical and on-air news team members will be at the studios discussing events as they are occurring and taking live calls from several field reporters... Says Jim Brewster, KNSJ's News Director... "This is a big step forward for us as the station. We encourage citizen reporters to also step forward and join our news team in its infancy."

• "Fight for $15" call in to be on the air using 619-528- 8383
or Comment on Facebook   KNSJ Community Radio      619-283-1100

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