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Begin forwarded message:
From: Kath Rogers <>
Date: July 12, 2015, 6:27:00 PM PDT
To: SD350 <>
Subject: [] Update - Tuesday 5pm - School District Climate Vote
Hi SD350 Friends,--We had a late-breaking (Friday evening) surprise! The school district staff re-wrote our climate resolution. The final result is actually more impactful because it calls on the school district to take action. It also mentions Community Choice Energy! (New resolution text is below). Here are the details of the meeting again as well:Where: SDUSD, 4100 Normal Street, San DiegoWhen: Tuesday, July 14 at 5pmFacebook invitation:I hope you can be there to show your support. If you know a student in the district who would like to speak at the meeting, please let me know too. Thanks!NEW RESOLUTION:RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution supporting development of a San Diego Unified Climate Action Plan (CAP), in alignment with the City of San Diego CAP.
BACKGROUND: Climate change is becoming an increasing threat to human existence both globally and locally, and as a community we must take immediate action to find a way to protect the health of our students and employees and our quality of life now and in the future.
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has identified climate change as a children's issue and on December 9, 2014, the San Diego Unified Board of Education adopted a resolution in support of the PTA Climate Change Initiative.
At the February 10, 2015, board meeting, the Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District committed to develop a San Diego Unified Climate Action Plan (CAP) aligned with the City of San Diego CAP.
San Diego Unified plans to partner with the City of San Diego on a Feasibility Study of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) as an option to help achieve the goal of 100 percent renewable energy.
Electricity rates have increased 49.1 percent since 2009 and Community Choice Energy may offer a solution by allowing local and publicly accountable control of energy decisions.
San Diego Unified's Sustainability Action Plans, "Dream Big Solutions for a Sustainable Future" are being developed to help reduce the district's environmental footprint with a goal towards net zero waste.
San Diego Unified continues to work on solar energy installations, LED lighting conversions, maximizing water conservation, purchasing local produce and other foods, establishing and joining large purchasing cooperatives, improving transportation sustainability, and supports the use of school gardens.
San Diego Unified is working to embed sustainability education for students and employees into everyday teaching and learning.
The Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District supports the development of a San Diego Unified CAP in alignment with the City of San Diego CAP.
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