Sunday, August 16, 2015

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Climate and fracking action pics + upcoming events and news

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From: "SanDiego350" <>
Date: August 16, 2015, 9:03:
Subject: Climate and fracking action pics + upcoming events and news
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August 2015

Read on for important upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and some great pics from the recent "clean not extreme" fracking action and visiting with local elected officials.

SD350 Monthly Membership Meeting - Aug. 18, 6:45 pm
Join us for the SanDiego350 August Monthly Membership Meeting at St. Paul's Cathedral, 2728 6th Ave, SD 92103 - a great way to learn what we're working on, how you can get involved, and to meet like-minded climate activists (monthly on third Tuesdays). See August 18 meeting details, including carpooling. Special presentation by Serge Dedina, Executive Director of WiLDCOAST.

Climate Chat: 
Toward an Ecological Civilization - Aug. 27, 7 pm
The recent four-day "Pando Conference" gathered over a thousand people with the goal of re-thinking an ecological civilization and the most important actions we can take to achieve it. This Chat will sample the conference and feature higlights from Bill McKibben's keynote address, maintaining a moral compass, and helping to cope with the threat of climate crises. Info / RSVP

Save the Date: Interfaith Climate Action Forum - Sep. 24, ~7 pm
On the day the Pope speaks to Congress, we'll gather to celebrate the Encyclical, hear from different faith leaders, and identify actions we can take right here to advance climate justice. Contact us to help plan.

Update on Key California Climate Bills
SD350 members have met nearly all seven San Diego County Assembly Members (below, with Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez) to urge them to support important bills (these will be voted on in the next couple of weeks).   Please take action today to help these bills pass by signing these two petitions and calling your assemblymembers.
SB350 and SB 32 petition (GHG reduction targets, more renewables and efficiency) and SB 185 petition (coal divestment).
Read more about these bills.

"Clean Not Extreme" Fracking Action August 1 Recap
Beachgoers got to learn about fracking and create a great collaborative artwork that will send a strong message to Gov. Jerry Brown - "Stop Fracking - Clean Energy Now". Check out great TV coverage and Reader story. Thanks to everyone who volunteered!


Contribute to our work
Please donate to SanDiego350, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your support will help our all-volunteer organization print materials, mobilize San Diegans for rallies and hearings, hold trainings, do public education, and more. Any amount helps. Thank you! ♥♥♥

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Aug 18, 6:45pm - SD350 monthly membership meeting (Hillcrest)  St. Paul's Cathedral, 2728 6th Ave, SD 92103. (Info)

Aug 22, 1pm - CCL Workshop (Escondido)
   Citizens Climate Lobby is hosting a workshop for people interested in joining their efforts, Escondido Public Library, 239 S. Kalmia St. Escondido, 92025. (More info)

Aug 27, 7pm - Climate Chat: Toward an Ecological Civilization (Hillcrest) 
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 4190 Front St. SD 92103. (Info/RSVP)

Aug 29, 3-6pm - SD350 Annual Summer Picnic!!! (Balboa Park)  Join us to relax, play games, and get to know each other better - potluck. (Info)

Sept 15, 6:45pm - SD350 Monthly Membership Meeting (Encinitas)   Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Ave, Encinitas 92024. (Info)

Don't miss the SanDiego350 Annual Summer Picnic Aug 29!

California pensions funds lose $5 billion on fossil fuels -report (SF Gate)

SANDAG passes up chance to show leadership on transit (San Diego Source)

The climate change election (US News and World Report)

Tesla to build batteries for Escondido schools (UT San Diego)

Staring over the brink: Obama, Brown and high stakes climate politics (San Diego Free Press)

The point of no return: climate change nightmares are already here (Rolling Stone)

Take a lesson from California, quit coal (Sacramento Bee)

Judge sides with schools in solar spat (UT San Diego)

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Copyright © 2015, All rights reserved.
San Diego County
San Diego, CA 92101
United States

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