Below and attached is the draft agenda for the Feb. meeting of the San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice. This will again be at the Friends Center, address below. PLEASE JOIN IN on these discussions! SD Vets for Peace: any information on the Jan. 12 Washington DC event, and plans/details for March 31-April 2 Creech event, please provide! THANKS all
- In the Peace Resource Center Office at the Friends Center -
3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA 92105
Monday, February 8, 2016 – 7:00 PM
Tonight's Facilitator: TBD
Welcome, Introductions
Note taker for this evening's meeting will be:
Next regular SDCPJ meeting: Monday, March 14, 2016 (to be confirmed)
"So much ingenuity to wage war, still no clue how to wage peace. I am living in a mad house."
Update/Report Backs
- Report Back: Washington DC Jan. 12 "Real State of the Union" anti-drone actions
- Report Back: Thurs. Jan 14 Alternative "State of the City" Action
- Any additional updates will be heard!
Discussion/Action Items
- Discussion: "No Drones" Actions (see information attached); call for caravan for March 31 – April 2 Creech AFB Action
- Discussion/Action: County-Wide SDCPJ - date, time, location to be discussed
- Discussion: Grassroots "Activist Fair" (follow-up to PRISMS) – range of issues/organizations; tentative date(s), times
Announcements (see attached plus other announcements at the meeting)
***NOTE: Information about events listed here can be found on SDCPJ's website or at or at Activist San Diego | Networking for Social Justice
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