Tuesday, April 26, 2016

[SDCPJ] press release - Celebrate May Day in San Diego! Rally and Concert!

1) Press release
2) Public invitation e-blast

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 16:00:00 +0000




Press Contacts:

Nayeli Pelayo, nayelix11@yahoo.com, (818) 207-9232
Adriana Jasso, ajasso@afsc.org, (619) 808-7277



San Diegans to Take to the Streets on May Day

San Diegans join with thousands world wide to rally in a call to improve working conditions, create a living wage, and to stop deportations and enforced violence


San Diego, CA – On Sunday, May 1, hundreds will rally in San Diego to fight for workers’ rights, livable wages, and an end to deportations and mass criminalization.  This rally will begin at 1 pm at City College, and community members will march to Chicano park. The rally is a local effort that will coincide with world-wide actions for International Workers’ Day.  This year’s theme is “Workers’ Rights Have No Borders.”


When: Sunday, May 1 at 1 pm



Rally begins at City College 1313 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 (Between Park Blvd. and A St.)


Rally ends at Chicano Park – 949 Logan Ave., San Diego, CA 92113




As the fight for a living wage gains momentum, talks about immigration reform stall and numerous acts of violence by law enforcement against workers and their families continue to take place, a broad coalition of San Diegans will gather Sunday, May 1 at 1pm to highlight these issues and bring to light the urgency for change in our communities.


Sunday’s May Day mobilization is a local contribution organized by community members to the world-wide actions that will be held on May 1.  May 1 is International Worker’s Day and since 2006 workers in the United States have held marches throughout the nation to raise awareness and demand justice and dignity for all the working people of this country who are the foundation of the entire economy.  This year’s theme, “Workers’ Rights Have No Borders”, is meant to clearly define the need for all workers to be afforded what is rightfully theirs according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted on December 10, 1948, such as the right to form a Union and the right to a Decent Wage.


Endorsers: All of us or None, American Friends Service Committee, Anakbayan, Animal Defense Team, Association of Raza Educators, Coalition to Free Mumia SD, Coalition for Labor & Community Solidarity, Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, Committee against Police Brutality, Ground Zero Players, International Socialist Organization, Industrial Workers of the World-San Diego, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Party for Socialism and Liberation, San Diego Immigration Rights Consortium, San Diego Education Association, SEIU-USWW, SEIU Local 221, Union del Barrio, UNITE HERE Local 30, Worker's World Party, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals



You are receiving this message from Nayeli Pelayo, nayelix11@yahoo.com at NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HISPANIC REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS (NAHREP).
United States, 416 Langley St., San Diego, CA, 92102








---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 17:09:47 GMT

Events for International Workers Day,
May 1 in San Diego:
Rallies and March starting at 1 PM
-- Rally at City College (Park and A Street) and then march to rally at Chicano Park
Sponsored by May 1st Coordinating Committee - San Diego
If your union or group wants to be a listed endorser of the Rallies and March,
And after the rally at Chicano Park 
Concert and Celebration at 7 PM
-- Featuring the Haymarket Squares, at the San Diego Education Association union hall
Sponsored by IWW San Diego 
Please help spread the word!
Download a leaflet at this link
and hand out at meetings and events!
See two brief histories of the May Day holiday:






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