Tuesday, April 3, 2018

[SDCPJ] Fwd: Support the Cajon Valley students - call to action

From: San Diegans for Gun Violence Prevention <sandiego@bradymail.org>
Date: April 1, 2018 at 12:22:05 PM PDT
Subject: Support the Cajon Valley students - call to action
Reply-To: San Diegans for Gun Violence Prevention <sandiego@bradymail.org>

Support the Cajon Valley students - call to action
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Moms Demand Action, the Brady Campaign and our San Diegans for GunViolence Prevention partners share the mission to end gun violence.  

Our goals:
  • Balance the need to preserve public safety with the rights of responsible citizens to own and use guns
  • Work legislatively to ensure that guns and ammunition are sold only to responsible citizens
  • Advocate for responsible gun-violence prevention laws
  • Educate the public about the epidemic of gun violence in this country and how it can be prevented
  • Address specific issues of gun violence including domestic violence, suicide, mass shootings and accidental shootings
  • Support city, state and national leaders, and candidates, who share our vision of communities free from gun violence
Email:  sd4gvp@gmail.com
Website:  sd4gvp.org

Contact us

Email: sandiego@bradymail.org 
Website: www.bradycampaign.org/
Dear GVP Friends, 
Join us to support Cajon Valley students
Welcome to our many new members.  We hope you, and our continuing members, will join our demonstration to highlight student safety over gun rights.  We intend to send a strong message to the Cajon Valley School Board and all East County elected officials that reasonable gun laws do not infringe on 2nd Amendment rights.
Please read below and show up to support this important action.  Numbers are more critical than t-shirts, but If you have an SD4GVP, Brady or Moms t-shirt, please wear it.  
Where:  Cajon Valley Union School District, 750 East Main Street, El Cajon, 92020

When:  Tuesday, April 10 at 5:00 pm

What:  School Board Meeting where we plan to voice our concerns. 

The day of the student walkouts in March, teaching intern Margaret Morghen sat in solidarity with a group of Cajon Valley students who were on detention for walking out of their classes for 17 minutes. Days later, Margaret was fired and banned from ever applying to work in the Cajon Valley schools for providing a quote about her activity on that day, when interviewed by the Union Tribune. 
     In contrast, Jim Miller, one of that district's Board members, a lifetime NRA member and a founder of the SD Gun Owners PAC, stated in a letter that "tragedies such as Parkland are used to weaken and eliminate citizen's 2nd amendment rights" and that he would "...oppose assaults on those 2nd amendment rights." His letter did not express any concerns about student safety.
     This is wrong. Someone who supports students advocating for safety is fired and banned while someone who, in his own words, values 2nd amendment rights over student safety continues to serve on the board that is responsible for student welfare. It's time to re-evaluate our priorities.

Look forward to seeing you on the 10th at 5:00.

Wendy, Carol and the Brady & Moms
Leadership Teams




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Our mailing address is: 
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
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Washington, DC 20002
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