Activist Forum
Criminal Justice in San Diego?
Darwin Fishman and Buki Domingos - Racial Justice Coalition of San Diego
Jones-Wright, a native San Diegan, has served the County of San Diego as a Deputy Public Defender since 2006. In this capacity, she has represented clients charged with a variety of crimes and has spent over a decade experiencing the strengths and pitfalls of the criminal justice system. Her advocacy skills, passion, and sense of fairness have garnered her a reputation of an exceptional attorney and community leader.
Beyond the courtroom, Jones-Wright serves on the City of San Diego's Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention where she chairs the ad-hoc gang documentation committee. She is a volunteer attorney for the California Innocence Project and is an appointed member of the State Bar of California's Council on Access and Fairness.
Joyce Beers Community Center
3900 Vermont St. SD 92103, 1.5 Block N. of University Ave. on Vermont St.
Q&A After the panel discussion
Join ASD & KNSJ for Earth Fair Outreach
29th annual Earth Fair in Balboa Park on National Earth Day: Sunday, April 22nd
Join Activist San Diego outside the World Beat Center for Multi-Cultural Earth Day
Let SD know what you think is going on at the CRB (Community Review Board on Police Practices)
Public Meeting on the CRB and the
Please come stand with Racial Justice Coalition and Demand Justice for victims of the Chokehold
WHERE: City Administration Building, 202 C Street, SD, CA 92101
A version of the 'Choke-hold' is still SDPD LEGAL in SD!
Speak-out, be heard GET MORE INFO
More Festival info After you donate call 619-871-9354
Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 12:00Pm- 7:00pm
Sunday, April 22, 2018 from 12:00pm- 6:30pm
Downtown San Diego on the water at beautiful
Embarcadero Marina Park South
San Diego CA 92101
Your donations supports...

Greg Palast in San Diego at Univ. of San Diego
May 1st @ 6-9 pm
Movie and presentation. Peace Center, May 1st from 6:00-9:00 pm.
Greg Palast at University of SD with a revised movie clip -- a chance to connect to local students. Thurs Tues May 1st. @ 6pm
Come learn about election fraud "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
– an election decided by vote theft? It could happen this year 2018 AGAIN.
. Check out calendar for more info.
Volunteer to help out the Activist Center:
a Cooperative living home and meeting place for Social Justice Activists (In City Heights)

For info 619-283-1100
MORE EVENTS: Please check out and
- Book Signing Event at the Ocean Beach Green Center - "Last Days in Ocean Beach"
- Creek to Bay Cleanup
- Ocean Beach Green Center's 29th Anniversary Celebration!
- May Day 2018 in SD
- Community Divided/Humanity United - Featuring Author Sally Kohn
- Zero Waste 101: On the Go Workshop
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