August's ACTIVIST EVENTS Activist San Diego's Monthly Community Membership meeting forum, food, friends! Monday, August 19, 7-9! Activist San Diego's Community Membership meeting is MONDAY, AUG. 19th 7-9 pm. Meeting will focus on building for the September climate actions, including the Sept. 20, Climate Walkout when millions around the world, we will walk out of our schools, our workplaces and our homes to demand climate action and an end to the age of fossil fuels. Join us to build for this event! Reserve a seat on Facebook Speakers from and Sunrise Movement and a coalition including Activist San Diego are supporting youth organizing actions at high schools and universities in San Diego County and workers who are walking out to support them. On September 20 we will wake up San Diego and shake up the world! To join Activist San Diego's efforts, at the Aug. 19th meeting or call 619-871-9354 San Diego College and Student Walkout Toolkit Everything you need to organize a successful action. Link to the full toolkit = Please join us and find out how you can link and engaged in all over the globe ALSO at the meeting: - Hear from Dr. Darwin Fishman about ASD's campaigns as part of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Workers Center Pilipino (San Diego) describe their efforts to organize for the rights of home healthcare worker and how we can support them.
- ASD's Elections and our Activist membership campaign
Aug. 19th Meeting Location: Joyce Beers Community Center, 3900 Vermont St. SD 92103, 1.5 Block N. of University Ave. on Vermont St. (Next to Aladdin's restaurants). Peace, racial, gender and social justice to the forefront of the public dialogue, at the center of our activism. Gather to organize to meet the challenges faced in 2019 with like-minded friends. Please park in underground shopping center parking lot to avoid towing! Prepare for a good time with other activists. New people welcome! Everyone is welcome. No cost, but activism is sustained by donations and participation. - Suggested donation of $5-10 at the door for FOOD, Consider a donation to help support social justice activism and your organization. MORE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Racial Justice Coalition Last Sunday of every month: Aug. 24, 2- 4 pm Valencia Park/Malcolm X Library "I Can't Breathe Campaign" continues as San Diego County is probably leading the nation in 'deaths in police custody', so what do we do? Reform of the Community Review Board on Police practices. Everyone welcome. Join CAIR, SURJ, CAST, INDIVISIBLE, ASD, La Raza Lawyers Association, Liberation Road and others: Our mobilization for the Public Safety and Livable Neighborhood Committee meeting has gotten attention and results. We invite and encourage you to join with us in our 2019 racial justice campaigns. Each month a member organization "hosts" the RJC meeting. Please come stand with Racial Justice Coalition and demand Justice for victims of the Chokehold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meetings twice monthly on Wednesday (alternate in-person & conference call) Next meeting on Wedns. August 28th 7-9 pm at 4246 Wightman; Enter Driveway on Van Dyke. For information or on how to get involved: 619-871-9354 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Activist San Diego believes in intersectionality; We understand the powerful interconnection between various movements and their common roots in corporate capitalist system. _____________________________________________________ Friday, August 30, 5-11 PM Activist San Diego & KNSJ invites every left-progressive to a social event: Fun, Food, Fire, Friends & Festivities at the beach in Crown Point. Activist Bonfire Everybody Welcome! Meet like-minded progressives! JOIN ACTIVIST SAN DIEGO AND KNSJ RADIO PRODUCERS AND LISTENERS.. Join us at the beach for a family-friendly night of fun and celebration! Bring chairs, warm clothes, a blanket, musical instruments, & high spirits! This is a potluck, so PLEASE BRING FOOD TO SHARE! (preferably vegan) or picnic fare and drinks (But NO glass!). Friday, August 30, 2019 @ 5:00 pm – 11 pm Where: North Mission Bay Lost? Enter the park from Crown Point Drive on Mooreland Dr., turn right at the first opportunity, proceed about 100 yards then left in to the parking lot. Park your car as close to the bay as you can. Towards the left there are a cluster of 4 trees at the corner of the lot. We will be at the fire pit just beyond sheltered by a big tree. Still lost? Call 619-871-9354 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listen to and KNSJ 89.1 fm ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Activist San Diego Board Elections! Voting at ASD Community Membership meeting Sept. 16 @ 7 pm Member voting in the Activist San Diego Elections! Sept. 16 @ 7 pm Seeking new Board of Directors with commitment to social justice. Hear candidate for the ASD Board on how they will help guide the organization and KNSJ Radio Call 619-871-9354 for more information. Joyce Beers Community Center Across from Trader Joe's Become a proud Activist and organization member. Donate $24 a year to join ASD and become a voting member! Click here. Members recently received 2 free theater tickets, a $60 value! Your membership is only $24 a year to join ASD. Click here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for 20 Years of Activism: We need you to ensure we grow for another 20 yrs! Activist San Diego is celebrating its 20th year of social justice action and mobilization. ASD was mobilizing 18 year before the Trump "election" so we called for a demonstration the day afterward, as we had done when GW Bush got "selected". ASD was there with you to co-found the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice the day after 911; SDCPJ led the peace demonstrations. ASD was involved in youth organizing, in immigrant rights actions, in media justice by establishing KNSJ as a voice for progressive news and views and in establishing an Activist Center as a networker & resource for other non-profits. ASD has been involved in issues of police brutality since 1999 and helped initiate the Racial Justice Coalition in 2017-18. OUR VISION & YOUR HELP! We are seeking to be an organization led by peoples of color, with strong women's leadership; an org which is multi-generational and gender diverse. We want to be builders of unity and left-progressive coalitions. Join as a member and please give a sustaining contribution Please take 2 minutes and Give NOW! so that ASD & KNSJ can be around for another 20 years and beyond. Activist Board of Directors elects by its Board members. Come check us out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KNSJ is the only station bringing consistently progressive news, information & more local music Your donation supports... |
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